Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Democrats Shoot And Score
The Democrats have good reason to be happy today. In addition to finally getting the unemployment bill passed, financial reform, health care and a few other tid bits, the Republicans have decided that the Juts Say No to Everything policy is working. It isn't. As a matter of fact recent polls show that while your hard core demographic are eating it up, moderates even within your own party are starting to bolt. Unless you listen to Fox News who could quite possibly have the most lop sided polls I have ever seen, their standings are drooping faster and faster. And people haven't really started paying attention to the races yet like they will come September. Those who have taken a good look at the supremely retarded Tea Party candidates have said YECHH and gone with someone else. Barbabra Boxer's number are getting better as Carla Fiorina is getting better scrutiny and Harry Reid getting a much needed bounce versus his nutbag opponent. Seriously, she's batshit insane with the crap she believes. I don't much like Boxer or Reid. But the alternative to these idiots are even more dangerous idiots. Like end of the world dangerous. The Tea Party is a good idea in principle but as long as it's been hijacked by the fringe Republicans it needs to be kept in check. We need moderates like Charlie Christ, a candidate considered deda in the water until recently where he now leads in the polls over a weak democarat and Tea Party moron. People have a tendency to move to the center, as Christ has done winning Independent votes as well as both republican and democratic voters over with his common sense stances on every issue. The world could use more voices like his and more voters to support these kinds of candidates. This is where a true tea party should come into play. Let's nominate people who want to do things like end the wars, raise taxes on the corporations and the elite, cut taxes for everyone else. Watch the economy explode. Jobs will be created as money floods the system and demand for prodcuts rsie. The wealthy will make less. Tough. It's do or die time. Only together can we make it happen.
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