Friday, September 17, 2010


In a stunning upset in this week's primaries, Christine O'Donnell shocked the world by beating Republican Mike Castle who had been expected to win. This rise of the Tea Party is forcing Republicans everywhere to move further to the right, a move that will not win over any moderates, independents or disillusioned democrats. As a matter of fact, it is guaranteeing that the Senate will not fall to Republican rule and even the House is now up for grabs where as just a few weeks ago, the Republicans had it locked up. What gives? First off, both parties are seriously underestimating the level of anger in this country by voting for big business tax cuts and a serious lack of jobs that neither sides seems willing to address. More and more people are not only being laid off but their salaries and benefits are all being undercut, almost always to save the company a few bucks and not because it was entirely necessary. For example a Mott Apple Juice plant recently told their workers that their salaries were being cut by 1.50$ an hour and benefits being reduced to "match what local and similar companies nationwide are paying." So not only are we losing our jobs but we are making less and less everyday as a result. This has to stop. Sooner or later every company in this country is going to out price and underpay their employees to such a degree that no one will be able to afford their products. And then they go out of business. Mind you the CEO's will probably be just fine with their millions but everyone else, including many a white collar worker will be out on their ear with little chance of another job. This is the platform of the tea party. A overly conservative message of anti abortion and anti gay (two won't vote for you attitudes), are only red meat for the base. Everyone else thinks that's wrong, especially the anti gay message which is hurting the Republicans and the tea party big time.
Races that should have been won in places like California and especially Nevada where Harry Reid should have lost but the Tea Party picked nutcase Sharon Angle who is losing votes by the thousands every day by people who have woken up to her insane policies are being tallied higher and higher for the Dems. The tea party has already lost their way with an unstatianble message such as they want to cut spending but when asked what spending to cut you get a blank stare. Military and Social Security are off limits to these guys but you can't balance a budget without rectifying our two biggest problems. Retirement age has to be highered to 70, if you make more than am allotted amount you do not receive social security (yes that's socialism but tough it works). The military budget could be cut in half and we'd still be the most powerful country on earth. But these numnuts will hear none of it, thus the racist slurs being thrown at them because all the cuts they want to make would affect low income people (ie black and Hispanic) than if sensible cuts were made. The racism isn't overt but it is there regardless of all the crap you hear from them about not being a racist party. You are and get over it.
But douchebag of the week has to go to O'Donnell whose nutty policies have guaranteed a win for Democrats in the state of Delaware and dashing any chance the Republicans have to take the Senate, a fact brought up by Karl Rove this week that called the race finished. The most recent pol has O'Donnell trailing by 11 points and that gap is certain to get wider as more and more people are turned off by her way to the right messages. Way to go O'Donnell. You are indeed douchebag of the week.

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