1)Jason Beaudreau- Yet another in a long line of the dumbest criminals on Earth. This brain power was at a pizza place in Worcester, MA when he saw what appeared to be an easy mark next to him at the register. When the man went to pay for his pizza, Beaudreau saw his opportunity and grabbed at the wallet. Huge mistake. The man fought back and pinned him quickly to the wall, aided by two others who held him until the cops showed up. Here's the funny part: the man he tried to rob was the top prosecutor, DA Joseph Early Jr., and one of the men who helped out was a bailiff at the court house. Talk about awkward. As he was being carted away, Early responded, "Be seeing you again real soon." Hope you like prison dude.
2)Duxbury, MA criminals- For the 2nd time this year in Duxbury, a would be burglar attempted to rob the home of an off duty police officer while he was home. The first was a brazen attack in which the door was kicked open and was confronted by the officer who was less than pleased to see his door in splinters. The robber ran off and was quickly caught. This week, a guy broke into what he thought was an empty house and encountered a sleeping cop. He escaped but was caught a few days later and charged with a string of burglaries. This has got to be the dumbest thing any person could do as many homes have weapons and lots of pissed off unemployed people. You do the math. These two are lucky to be alive.
3)The Republican Party- This week John Boehner offered his latest proposal of slightly higher taxes on rich people in return for draconian cuts to Medicare and Social Security. Needless to say, this proposal was dead in the water as, even if Obama idiotically said okay to this, the majority of democrats have already publicly said they would vote for baby skinning before this monstrosity. The GOP hasn't figured out yet they lost and have NO leverage at this point. Obama has a full house and the GOP is holding a pair of twos while trying to bully the pot, fully aware that even the worst poker player knows they have nothing. Raise taxes on the rich, extend unemployment benefits and keep you damned hands of Medicare and Social Security which can be fixed in other ways (means testing, lifting the SS income cap) that will work far better than your idiotic ideas.
4)Lindsey Graham and John McCain- Due to their blatantly partisan attacks on Susan Rice and the whole Benghazi non issue that it was, Rice stepped down this week and now John Kerry is the definitive nominee. Worse, he expected to be pass the nomination process easily. While I have nothing against John Kerry he is kind of a windbag who doesn't know when to shut up, and that is not a great trait for a diplomat. The worse news is that we hear in MA will have another special election which means more ads, more debates, and yes, most likely, more Scott Brown. Ugh. Welcome to Massachusetts where the election cycle NEVER ends.
5)Mike Huckabee- Can we please have one tragedy where some religious douchebag doesn't blame it on some idiotic religious principle that has nothing to do with the issue at hand? In the past we have seen hurricanes blamed on gay people, earthquakes blamed on abortion and now, this fat fuck has blamed lack of prayer in school as the culprit behind this shooting. GO AWAY FATMAN! Take your Bible, shove it up your ass and clench already. This type of garbage has got to stop.
6)Piers Morgan- I am so tired of his nightly triads where he berates anyone supporting gun ownership while agreeing whole heartedly with all the anti gun nuts who think that if we get rid of all lawful guns, crime will disappear and no one will ever get shot again. He barely let John Lott Jr get a word in edgewise and shouted down every point he made, now matter how valid it was. This ass isn't even from this country so his opinion on the 2nd amendment matters little to me. I don't think he and his countrymen would be too happy if I went over to England, started a talk show and bad mouthed the Queen every night because having a monarchy in this day and age is assinine. Just saying.
7)The media- As always, in their rush to get facts out about the shooting in Newtown, CT, they managed to get almost every single thing wrong. The mother was never a teacher at the school, the ages of the kids was constantly misreported, the identity of the shooter was wrong, much to the chagrin of his brother who was considered the shooter until later reports clarified it, and other easily verifiable facts. I used some of my sources in the area and came up with a much clearer picture than any major news network did and I don't have a billion dollar industry backing me up. One of the reasons I wait 24 hours before writing a column is to clear up all the mistakes that the MSM makes on a near regular basis. Some facts, like the shooter's identity are easy mistakes as Lanza was carrying his brother's ID. The facts surrounding the mother and other details appear to be people just making stuff up without any verification whatsoever. I am sure it is why many come here as I don't print anything I cannot verify, or I tell you that what I am writing is subjective. The media just lies to you.
8)HSBC and The Justice Department- This week the Federal Government made a clear distinction between the elites and the rest of us. HSBC was given a paltry fine of $1.9 billion and no criminal charges for money laundering, avoiding sanctions against rouge regimes and dealing directly with terrorist groups and drug cartels. If any individual person did any one of these, let alone all three, they could be facing the death penalty. This bank got a small fine and nothing else. WTF? Too big to jail I guess. Reports state that the infractions were blatant and on going, yet no criminal charges are being filed. This is from Matt Tiabbi, one of the best writers today:
So you might ask, what's the appropriate financial penalty for a bank in HSBC's position? Exactly how much money should one extract from a firm that has been shamelessly profiting from business with criminals for years and years? Remember, we're talking about a company that has admitted to a smorgasbord of serious banking crimes. If you're the prosecutor, you've got this bank by the balls. So how much money should you take?
How about all of it? How about every last dollar the bank has made since it started its illegal activity? How about you dive into every bank account of every single executive involved in this mess and take every last bonus dollar they've ever earned? Then take their houses, their cars, the paintings they bought at Sotheby's auctions, the clothes in their closets, the loose change in the jars on their kitchen counters, every last freaking thing. Take it all and don't think twice. And then throw them in jail.
Sound harsh? It does, doesn't it? The only problem is, that's exactly what the government does just about every day to ordinary people involved in ordinary drug cases.
It'd be interesting, for instance, to ask the residents of Tenaha, Texas what they think about the HSBC settlement. That's the town where local police routinely pulled over (mostly black) motorists and, whenever they found cash, offered motorists a choice: They could either allow police to seize the money, or face drug and money laundering charges.
Or we could ask Anthony Smelley, the Indiana resident who won $50,000 in a car accident settlement and was carrying about $17K of that in cash in his car when he got pulled over. Cops searched his car and had drug dogs sniff around: The dogs alerted twice. No drugs were found, but police took the money anyway. Even after Smelley produced documentation proving where he got the money from, Putnam County officials tried to keep the money on the grounds that he could have used the cash to buy drugs in the future.
Seriously, that happened. It happens all the time, and even Lanny Breuer's own Justice Deparment gets into the act. In 2010 alone, U.S. Attorneys' offices deposited nearly $1.8 billion into government accounts as a result of forfeiture cases, most of them drug cases.
They're now saying that if you're not an important cog in the global financial system, you can't get away with anything, not even simple possession. You will be jailed and whatever cash they find on you they'll seize on the spot, and convert into new cruisers or toys for your local SWAT team, which will be deployed to kick in the doors of houses where more such inessential economic cogs as you live. If you don't have a systemically important job, in other words, the government's position is that your assets may be used to finance your own political disenfranchisement.
On the other hand, if you are an important person, and you work for a big international bank, you won't be prosecuted even if you launder nine billion dollars. Even if you actively collude with the people at the very top of the international narcotics trade, your punishment will be far smaller than that of the person at the very bottom of the world drug pyramid. You will be treated with more deference and sympathy than a junkie passing out on a subway car in Manhattan (using two seats of a subway car is a common prosecutable offense in this city). An international drug trafficker is a criminal and usually a murderer; the drug addict walking the street is one of his victims. But thanks to Breuer, we're now in the business, officially, of jailing the victims and enabling the criminals.
This is the disgrace to end all disgraces. It doesn't even make any sense. There is no reason why the Justice Department couldn't have snatched up everybody at HSBC involved with the trafficking, prosecuted them criminally, and worked with banking regulators to make sure that the bank survived the transition to new management. As it is, HSBC has had to replace virtually all of its senior management. The guilty parties were apparently not so important to the stability of the world economy that they all had to be left at their desks.
So there is absolutely no reason they couldn't all face criminal penalties. That they are not being prosecuted is cowardice and pure corruption, nothing else. And by approving this settlement, Breuer removed the government's moral authority to prosecute anyone for any other drug offense. Not that most people didn't already know that the drug war is a joke, but this makes it official.
9)Anti-gun nuts- Yes after two shootings in a week we have a clear problem. The only thing is that is not guns that are killing people. It's crazy people killing people. More on that in a later segment. However, guns make people safer. And I can prove it. El Paso, Texas was recently voted the safest city in the United States according to crime statistics. El Paso has a 90% gun ownership rate, some of the laxest gun control positions and the lowest crime rate. See any correlation there. As a matter of fact, three other towns from Texas also appear on the list, meaning that more guns equals less crime in Texas. Here's something else not being reported. The first shooting we had this week at the mall in Clackamas may have averted a bigger massacre due to two reasons. One, Jacob Tyler Robert's stolen AR-15 jammed (which they do all the time), letting people escape. The other was Nick Meli, who was armed (even though the mall was a gun free zone he wisely ignored that edict) may have prevented more people from dying by just aiming his gun at the shooter. Meli hid behind a pillar so Robert's couldn't hit him. He also realized there were too many innocent people around and didn't want to hit anyone other than his target. But the shooter saw him and killed himself soon after. Just having a gun and not even firing it may have saved countless people's lives. How many might still be alive today if the Sandy Hook School principal had a gun?
10)Jacob Tyler Roberts- If this guy wanted fame after his death, he picked the wrong week to pull this off. He's now Farrah Fawcett who had the misfortune of dying hours before Michael Jackson knocking her off the airwaves quick. Roberts is a footnote after the tragedy in CT this week. Good.
11)ACLU- If you want to blame someone for the rash of shootings, with another today at a hospital in Alabama and a mall in southern California, it's these assholes who have single handedly done more damage to this country than any other group and I never knew about it until yesterday. Turns out these Mensa members helped shut down all the state mental institutions and stopped the practice of involuntary admissions of dangerous, homeless individuals. Then they had the balls to bitch that people with legitimate mental illnesses were being placed in prison instead of getting treatment, which thanks to them, no longer exists. So what your telling me is that we have dangerous, psychotic individuals walking around with easy access to guns, but law abiding gun owners are the problem? Start fighting for the first amendment again guys and leave this kind of crap for people who know what they doing. You obviously don't.
12)The mentally insane- Strict controls need to be put on anyone suffering from a serious mental illness. Mandatory, weekly counseling, drug testing and involuntary commitments have to be put into place or more of these attacks are going to be more and more commonplace. Guns are not the problem. Psychos getting them are.
13)Adam Lanza and his mother- From all indications, this guy was a nutter. It also seems likely his domineering mother ignored all the problems he had and encouraged a gun obsession with him, which in hindsight, was the dumbest thing she ever did. My sources tell me she was a gun enthusiast (nothing wrong with that), home schooled her kid (that's a problem), and ignored any sign he was off. This is occurring in my own family so I know it happens more often than many would like to believe. No one wants to believe their kid is different and love is blind. It can also make you dead. Lanza was an anti-social loser who, most likely, was developing a severe mental illness on top of his reported Asperger's. His mom was a doomsday prepper whose possible obsession with the end of the world most likely helped this problem along. If his mom thought the world was going to end next week, maybe he killed her and all those children to save them from the Apocalypse in his deranged mind. That is pure speculation however. She was collecting guns for doomsday scenarios according to her own family though so the rest is not out of the question. The mom's divorce appears to be the trigger moment for Adam when he lost his brother and father and any sort of stability. If his mom was a drunk (unconfirmed), domineering and worried about end of world scenarios, this whole disaster was a train wreck waiting to happen. So congratulation Adam Lanza and his mother, you are both douchebags of the week. Hope you read this from hell.
wow! i've found a kindred soul. i find it disturbing how the msm is avoiding talk of how messed up this kid and his mother were. gotta be all nicey nicey about not calling a spade a spade. crazy people should be in an insane asylum not being cared for at home by a drunken mom with guns lying about.