Let's start with gun control. The left is screaming to ban assault weapons and high magazine clips stating there is no reason to have these as they only designed to kill. That is EXACTLY why we need them now more than ever. The Founding Fathers were very clear, regardless what some legal analysts are saying (Alan Derschowitz I am looking at you) that the one reason we have the 2nd amendment wasn't for hunting, sport or even self defense against crime. It was protect society against a ruthless government hell bent on tyranny.
How many innocent people have the government and the police force killed over the years? More than you would think, especially our trigger happy police force. On November 2nd of this year, a 21 year old, unarmed girl was killed in Utah by an undercover cop for reasons still not fully explained. No knock raids are becoming the norm resulting in the loss of innocent life on an alarming level. Here's a link to a site that shows just how many are occurring:
Every day we hear of wrong addresses or suspect reasons for these raids. If every house had an AK-47 in it would these still be occurring? Hardly after the body bags started piling up which is exactly why we have the right to bear arms and that includes that owned by the police force. Dogs get the short stray a lot of times when they are killed for no apparent reason during these attacks. Some poor pooches are even being killed when officers stray illegally onto your property. Some dope did just that some time ago when he went onto property without a warrant, shot the family dog and got a shotgun blast to the face for his trouble. At this time they were still trying to figure out if they could file charges as the owner was well within his rights to fire at someone illegally on his land, police officer or not.
Guns are not the problem as we can see by places having the lowest crime rates in areas where guns are easily available and owned by a majority of the people. The media, especially Piers Morgan, who has lost his mind over the subject, are demanding ALL guns be confiscated. Tell you what Piers, you go door to demanding the weapons there and see how far you get. I am guessing you won't live past the third house. Liberal, and even some conservative politicians are falling that way which is odd as the rest of the country, even those who live in Newtown, CT, are not saying the same thing. Much like the anti-abortion crowd, just because a bunch of loud mouths are screaming at the top of their lungs about something, doesn't mean the rest of us buy it. A lot of see what is going on right now (the TSA, no knock raids, laws that allow the government complete control) and a lot of us are vary wary about the government and what such a ban might mean. I don't want the government having an even bigger advantage over us should the time come when they decided to go for complete control and then all those gun laws we enacted come back to bite us in the ass. Just ask anyone who survived the rule of Hitler, Stalin or Mao. We are a borderline fascist state as it is. We give up our guns and it soon will be.
The other hot topic is Social Security which the president just offered up in his latest budget plan to avoid the fiscal cliff. He put back in the chained CPI adjustment which will result in not only no raises ever for SS, it might actually decrease the amount gotten year after year. Yeah, like prices ever go back down and inflation isn't happening. Please.
The good news is that many democrats have spit on the plan and the Republicans still seem unlikely to accept it as it also includes tax hikes. Why on God's green earth did the president put something in that is not only universally hated but also made it much more difficult to get the plan passed within his own party? Maybe he did it to see if the GOP would bite, which they didn't, meaning there is NO chance of a deal and we will go sailing over the cliff which may be the best option at this point.
If the democrats succeed in changing the filibuster rule, which they should, we may start getting some things done in this country. As it stands now, the threat of a filibuster is enough to kill a bill. The new law states that if you want a filibuster, then you have to do just that. That is why we have it in the first place. If you hate a bill so much, stall it. If the American people agree with you, they will support you and the other side will cave. If they don't, they will see it as mindless waste of time and punish the politician accordingly. That is the way it was supposed to be and I hope they bring it back.
Instead of giving less to SS, we should be giving more and there are easy ways to do it. First, get rid of the already chained CPI index we use and restore it to the way it was before Reagan and Clinton tinkered with it. If that was in effect today, where inflation is between 9-11% and not the 2-3% the government calculates it as (the index does not count energy or food prices) SS payment would double in size and provide a much needed economic boost that will lift the economy and actually create jobs. We can pay for this by eliminating the income cap on SS, getting rid of all pension plans for everyone (including that for politicians, CEO's and other golden parachutes that hurt the economy) and means testing where if you have more than a certain level of wealth of income, say five million dollars, you don't get SS. Do this and the poor get more money, the economy suddenly does better and thousands of new jobs will be created as demand increases.
Nobody is discussing this in the media or from Congress yet it is the best way to fix everything. We are slaves to the corporations and the government who want to pay us less, make us work until we die and pretend they don't have the money to pay for any of it as they gorge themselves on our tax dollars. This is why we have a 2nd amendment and soon we may to remind people why we have it if this nonsense continues as Jefferson says below:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Come for our guns and see how prophetic that quote is. Take away our safety nets to fund your illegal actions and the same may occur. Next year is going to be bad. Let's hope our president doesn't make it worse.
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