1)Oprah Winfrey- This is one of those rare celebrities that I both admire and abhor at the same time. While it is true she has done some real good things to those in need during her career, she is also a relentless egomaniac who thinks she is better than everyone else. In the past she has thrown temper tantrums at not being treated like a God like the time in Paris when she demanded a store stay open for her to shop even though it was well past closing time. Or any of the clips from her TV show on her failing network that have her come across as less than pleasant to work for. Her massive ego led her to believe she could have an entire network devoted to her which so far has worked about as well as the Israelites who started worshipping Baal after Moses went up the mountain to talk to God. So far, the whole thing has been a dismal failure. Her latest stunt blew up big time. While addressing the audience brought together to try to build support for her equally flailing magazine O, she stepped in it big time. Trying to gather sympathy, she revealed the week before she had had a breast cancer scare. Her best friend, Gayle King, who was standing next to her at the time, became visibly upset that this was the first she had heard about it. The audience turned on Oprah like a pack of wild dogs and chided her for her lack of tact and empathy toward her friend. As walking away from a hit show that gave her immense power has back fired wildly, all I can say is welcome back to level ground and the golden statues of Baal we have made in your absence. Unlike Moses, she doesn't seem to have any commandments worth listening to.
2)Angus T. Jones- When your idiot character from your hit TV show "Two and Half Men" is smarter than the real you, it's time to get some dose of reality. This week, Jones stepped in it when a video he did for a super religious cult he had joined went viral where he spat on the show he was on as "garbage" and "obscene." Considering he makes $350,000 an episode, he might want to have thought better about his words. He quickly made an apology but did little to counter the damage already done. We have also found out he has never drunk alcohol, experimented a little with drugs, and is still a virgin. If you are 19, a guy, and worth the money he is and is not slamming every girl is sight, he's gay and just doesn't know it yet. Virginity at his age is not a virtue, it's an anchor and demonstrates severe psychological trauma. He is also dating a stalker super fan, which is kind of like the Rose character from his own show, meaning he is not even bright enough to remember plot lines from his own program. Considering he is a member of some nutbag religious offshoot, this should not be a surprise. Time to grow up dude.
3)50 Chinese thugs- My favorite news stories are ones where some dumb ass criminal makes a horrific mistake and tries something against someone who is way out of their league. Past stories I liked include the dumbass car jacker who tried to steal a van full of judo experts and the robber who broke into the house of a woman who was a third degree black belt in karate and, when the robber tried to run away, found out she was a marathon runner as well. This latest story is one of the best yet. Chinese national Shen Jianzhong, 38, refused to sell his house to a greedy developer that was short changing him what the property was worth. So the developer sent over 50 guys to help him change his mind. What the developer didn't know was that Shen was a Kung Fu master and he and his son beat the holy hell out of at least seven of them before the others ran off. They posted a video of the whole thing that shows the thugs lying on the ground unconscious or in a great deal of pain as the wife berates them. It may all be in Chinese but you don't need to speak the language to know what is being said. The only sad part of all this is the government has arrested the son for assault as the developer has party ties. Hopefully the video will make the government think twice about sending him to trial.
4)Anti gun laws- Proving my point that if all guns are outlawed, people will use a stick to beat each other with instead, comes this story from a college in Caspar, Wyoming. In it, an assailant used a bow and arrow to kill three people at a community college and then offed himself with a knife. No guns, three people dead. Yeah, guns are the problem and not the psychos we have wandering the streets because we have no mental health system in place. Smart.
5)Ashley Nicole Richards, 22, and Brent Justice, 51- These two assholes were arrested this week for selling crush videos which included puppies, kittens and other small, defenseless animals. This is exactly why we need to bring back public executions and here, these two should be stomped to death by an irate crowd. I hope once they get to prison the other inmates find out what there are in for and that exact scenario may play out for real. Prisoners hate two things: kiddie porn/molestation and animal abuse. Good luck you two. You are going to need it.
6)Anti-child porn laws- I am violently against kiddie porn and the like. There is nothing worse than taking some small child and subjected them to adult sexual actions. However, there have been a spat of recent arrests that make me question whether we have gone too far in the other direction. This week, four teens were arrested for trafficking in kiddie porn because they had a picture of a classmate in her bra on their phones. How is that kiddie porn? I can go to the beach anywhere in the country and see more than that. A college football coach in Minnesota was recently cleared of wrong doing after so called kiddie porn found on his phone turned out to be harmless pictures of his small children during bath time. He still lost his job over the whole thing though and is unlikely to get it back along with his damaged reputation. Photographing anyone of any age naked was never illegal before, why now? Under these rules the films "Pretty Baby," starring a naked 12 year old Brooke Shields and Oscar winner "American Beauty," for showing the bare breasts of a 16 year old, are child porn now. Technically anyone owning these films now posses kiddie porn under these arcane rules and could be arrested. Can we please go after the sickos peddling this crap and leave the rest of us alone, particularly parents and teens?
7)Michael Dunn- Yes Florida is back in the news again with this unbelievable story about yet another "stand your ground" defense that is even worse than the Trevor Martin case. Dunn has been charged with shooting into a car full of teens, killing one. His defense is he felt "threatened" and saw a gun, so he was forced to fire. No gun was found and he has been charged with murder. His lawyer says they will use the stand your ground law as their defense. Good luck on that as, again, the assailant was white and the car was filled with unarmed black teens. Dunn brought this all on himself as he acted like a dick by demanding the teens turn down their music while he was at a gas station. When they told him to fuck off, he responded by firing into the car. Dunn must be a Republican who saw black people and immediately thought criminals. This proves my point that guns don't kill people, Fox News kills people.
8)Judge Robert Drain- Some giant fuckwad and idiot judge to boot just gave Hostess executives $1.8 million while telling the rest of the workers tough shit you get nothing. This also affects those collecting a pension from Hostess that just dried up so retired workers now face an equally daunting challenge of losing a substantial part of their retirement income. Meanwhile, the rich are stealing from us, the courts are agreeing with them and we are getting the shaft. Fuck this judge. Fuck Hostess executives. And fuck anyone who defends this nonsense.
9)Walmart- It has not been a good few weeks for this shit corporation. They are moving more and more people to part time status because of "Obamacare" not realizing that this practice has been going for a lot longer than that and a lot of us are not falling for this crap. Costco pays their employees double what Walmart workers get paid and provide affordable insurance and they are very profitable so the argument that you can't afford it is bull. Plus, over a hundred sweat shop workers died in Bangladesh making Walmart products, along with Disney and Target, in a horrific fire. All the companies denied any knowledge of the conditions and say they had stopped months ago dealing with the company in charge of the slaves, I mean workers, but most likely is just another lie. Fox News tried to spin it as at least the Bangladeshis had jobs so they should have been happy working as slaves, a mentality we are seeing more and more here. If government and the courts are unwilling to stop this, someone enterprising groups are going to and the end results will be predictably violent.
10)Walmart workers- These cowards balked on walking out on Black Friday because they need their jobs. No you don't. If you are working in the kind of conditions you are and not doing everything you can to change it, you deserve every bad thing you get. Plus, some workers say they had been with the company for years and are getting paid garbage still. Then why are you still there? And before anyone says jobs are scarce, they are not THAT scarce. When I worked shit jobs, I spent every walking minute looking for something else. I never stayed longer than a year and a half at any job I hated. So what this says is that a majority of Walmart workers are either too stupid to do anything or too lazy to look for anything else. Enjoy where you work as slaves because the lot of you are a big bunch of cowards who can no longer bitch about your working condition's as you plan on doing nothing to stop it.
11)Palestinians- The Palestinians went behind Israeli's back and went to the UN to declare themselves a state. Funny, if you just recognize Israel as a state, all of this will go away. This method you have chosen was ill advised and put you back further than you were last week.
12)Egypt- Morsi has refused to back down on his power grab causing another civil war to brew there. Way to blow your chance on the world stage dumb ass.
13)Republicans- This week the GOP seemed to think they won the election, have compete control of the House and Senate and the support of 100% of the American people. They are still crying about Benghazi, the Susan Rice nomination (which hasn't even happened yet), tax hikes for the rich, demands for huge cuts to entitlements and immigration "reform" which is SO racist it's not even funny (The GOP wants to keep countries that give us high level employees and get rid of anyone else who happens to be black or Hispanic). Obama's proposal for not going over the fiscal cliff was met with actual laughter from king douche Mitch McConell and has led to no counter offer other than the "I will hold my breath till I turn blue," defense. It's like negotiating with a five year old. Maybe they missed the polls that say 80% of the public want spending cuts and tax hikes for the rich. Grover Norquest is looking increasingly irrelevant as several senators have publicly broken from his ill advised pledge as Congress wants to keep their jobs versus an unrelenting tide of support for the democrats. Morons like Boehner and McConnel are looking like those most likely to lose their seats next election as they are digging in their heels, not realizing that if we go over the fiscal cliff, these two will be blamed more than anyone else in Congress. Norquest will be vilified if all these comes to pass (On a quick side note, Romney was spotted pumping gas and eating at McDonalds so that's a pretty far fall from a Presidential run). So congratulations, Grover Norquest, you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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