Take Michigan which became yet another Republican dominated state to pass right to work laws, which are in reality union busting, fascist, draconian bullshit designed to give even more power to corporations and less money to their workers. These laws allow workers to get paid less, fired more easily and deprive unions of dues needed to fight against their corporate overlords. Yet the Tea Party and their idiot followers are all for these laws, not realizing they are signing their own death warrant by doing so.
If we really had a militia and an armed society, this kind of crap would not be occurring because there would be a lot of blood in the street if they tried. Instead we have been brainwashed into accepting everything the government/corporations do as good and should never be questioned. Nobody should be happy with right to work laws as the end result is more and more of us are going to be unemployed, underpaid and have no recourse to fight back short of violence. This is not a wise scenario.
Imagine a world without guns. After both Scotland and Australia banned many types of guns following mass shootings, the end result was a 600% rise in crime. Studies show that having a gun make you more likely to protect yourself than to shoot some one accidentally by a 3-1 margin.
Morgan and Costas brought up three recent cases where young children were shot by guns being left around stupidly. I can also come up with dozens of cases in just the last few weeks where children were hit by cars for not looking both ways before crossing, killed by falling out of windows and other cases where the parents were at fault, not the devices used in the accidents. Should we ban cars and windows because they are even more likely to kill your youngster than a gun? And in each instance of the child being shot, the parent was ultimately at fault for not storing the weapon properly. That is an intelligence problem where the child is just as likely to die when a mom has too many drinks and plows into a wall or shakes an infant to death for crying. Stupidity cannot be legislated and just because someone is too dumb too own a weapon doesn't mean they don't have the right to one, no matter how much we could wish differently.
Guns in the wrong hands are a problem. But if you go to El Paso Texas, the safest town in America, you will see everyone has a gun and they wear them everywhere. The chances of a mass shooting in that town are about zero because after the first shot, the rest of the populace would cut him down like an old tree. Guns equal safety, especially among people who know how to use them. This is not opinion but fact and I wish the left would get it through their heads that gun control is a dead issue with little support, thus the reason why democrats don't talk about it anymore. Republicans should take a cue from that maneuver when it comes to gay rights, abortion and immigration. Until they do, they will never win a national election again.
Republicans are still hammering raising the Medicare age from 65-67, which will further destabilize the program. By raising the age, sicker, older people ruin the mean average for younger, healthier seniors which help offset costs. By raising the age then, costs rise for everyone. Plus, workers will work longer, raising costs on employers and insurance companies who have to cover them as they will also be sicker. Raising the age is a bad idea and many democrats have signaled Obama not to try it as they will not support the plan if they do. This could make the democrats look like the obstructionists and help the GOP in 2014 as a result. Raising the age plus the chained CPI adjustment plan are both terrible ideas that further put stress on the disappearing middle class as poverty rates continue to soar.
Obama is worried about his legacy more than a re-election that he can't have and medical/legalization of pot is going to be a huge test for his leadership. Corporations are starting to line up, smelling the huge sums of money that could be made. Private prison like the awful CCA, which is the USA's largest, hates the idea as getting rid of for profit prisoners siphons money from them. CCA is under investigation AGAIN for partnering with violent prison gangs to control the population and bribing judges to put people behind bars even though they don't belong there. Private prisons are a bane to society as studies show they don't save any money and actually make it more likely for innocent people to be behind bars especially if you are poor and a minority.
A majority of people want pot legalized, especially younger voters which the democrats need to win any upcoming election. Obama could be seen as a hero for allowing states to have some power to direct their own destiny, as the Constitution was written. Few remember that the way we got rid of alcohol prohibition was by allowing states to make up their own laws on the matter which led to a ground swell of support to repeal the awful amendment. Mind you repealing prohibition led to the birth of the IRS so the old adage of win some lose some applies readily.
The democrats have a ready made argument, which is supported by both corporations and the people, for another wedge issue against a dying GOP. If they fumble, the Republicans may run with it and could get some much needed support in upcoming elections. If Obama is really stupid and sends in armed DEA agents into places in Washington and Colorado, this is exactly why we have a 2nd amendment and I would not be surprised to see people start using it. Michigan is another place where government intrusion is reaching dangerous proportions and violence could break out a result. When the people have nothing to lose, governments should fear it's populace. Syria and Egypt are good examples of what happens when one side overreaches and an armed society says enough is enough.
We are reaching that stage here and soon and both Morgan and Costas better realize that is why we have the right to bear arms. I abhor violence but sometimes there is not other choice as my several arrests for assault (all dismissed) will testify to. Sometimes you have no choice to fight back. I hope the government realizes how close we are to that.
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