1)We can thank God the New Year will finally bring an end to the fiscal cliff. By the end I do mean plunging over head first into a gaping yaw that will raise everyone's taxes because the Republicans have taken a pledge and damn it, no matter how bad it will damage this country, they are people of their word. We have never really left the recession so we better get ready for a DEPRESSION because that is where we headed. Millions of people stand to lose their jobs next year, unemployment will be cut for millions more and the economy will nose dive faster than ratings for Mob Doctor. All because rich people don't want to pay more in taxes. All of you who voted for those Tea Party morons in Congress, this is your fault. So when you lose your job for whatever reason, know you did it yourself.
2)We can thank God that corporations have the right amount of power, if you are the one running the show that is. Right to work laws have become so bad that people can now be fired for being too attractive, making too much money or just because the boss doesn't like you. The employee, for the first time in nearly a hundred years, has no rights anymore. They can pay you whatever they feel like, down to minimum wage, which if it wasn't there, salaries would be even lower. And again the Tea Party likes the idea of killing all unions.
3)We can thank God that some of the right wing douchebags were mercifully not put into office. Odious assholes like Allen West, Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin were just a few sent packing for their extreme ideals. But considering how stupid some of the voting public is, I am shocked at least one of these morons didn't get re-elected.
4)We can thank God that global warming isn't real, that the Antarctic isn't melting twice as fast as predicted, that temperatures in Greenland are turning it into it's namesake, and that Arctic ice isn't at record lows. Oh wait a minute. All that is happening. Yet some still claim that the Earth isn't getting warmer. That is some head in the sand kind of thinking. We can debate the causes for it, but the science is in and it's this: the planet is warming at alarming levels and it already may be too late to save the planet from extinction. Merry Christmas.
5)We can thank God that religious extremism is at an all time low and that Baptists and Muslims have become much more tolerant of things outside their world view. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.
6)We can thank God the ACLU passed laws to get rid of state hospitals, made it impossible to commit anyone and, as a result, no mental patients ever killed anyone in a massacre (insert heavy sarcasm here). Yet guns are the problem.
7)We can thank God for creating gay people as science shows that many who are gay are born with brain abnormalities that predisposes them to that lifestyle. So explain to me how your perfect God made people that are "imperfect," at least in your eyes? Either God is not all powerful or he doesn't hate gay people. Pick one, your choice.
8)We can thank God that Kim Jung Un and Amadinajhad are reasonable, thoughtful people that will never start a war for idiotic purposes. So we can get rid of all those nukes now right? And guns and any other form of protection as the world is a completely safe place? Right?
9)We can thank God for movie reviewers top ten list of 2012 that always contains the best movies, if by best you mean some foreign film from a country you've never heard of whose plot line is a love story taking place during the invention of yarn. Read any list and none seem to contain some of the best pictures this year like the Avengers, Skyfall, or Ted. Ted I can understand but the other two were huge hits for a reason: they were awesome and filled with the exact type of moments that make people watch them again and again. A few years back, Winter's Bone was on a lot of critics list. I have yet to find anyone of any age group, or demographic who didn't think it was one of the most boring movies ever made. Yet, Oscar time there it was. Shoot me if anyone makes me watch it again.
10)I thank God that my health is not what it was a few years ago when I spent all my time in bed screaming in pain. As someone who took painkillers like candy I still don't get the thrill of being sleepy all the time. People who get addicted to these kinds of drugs must have real issues with reality because they certainly made 2009 into a hazy year for me.
11)I thank God I have family and friends to depend on. A feel bad for those all alone in this world.
12)I thank God for my girlfriend who I love with all my heart.
13)Lastly, I thank God for all my readers out there. This blog is doing very well and is being translated into many different languages. I have a world wide audience which makes me very happy. Not to hawk for money but it is Christmas and I would appreciate any donations you can give in any amount to help keep this site running. I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays. I will be back in a few days with more news, most likely involving some Republican doing something really stupid.
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