1)Stephen Baldwin- Easily the least likable of the Baldwin clan, this idiot went from a terrible actor in terrible movies like Bio-dome to religious born again who, like most born agains, can't follow the rules of the very book they profess to worship. Apparently Baldwin has broken the commandment "Thou shall not steal," by not paying $350,000 to the IRS. Why is it rich people think they can tell the IRS to fuck off and they will do nothing in response? If you are a corporation, it's fine. If you are a billionaire, no problem. Stephen Baldwin and Lindsey Lohan on the other hand better pay up like the rest of us or face jail. These two are real douches.
2)John Schnatter- Papa John's owner took a big hit this week when the popularity for his crappy pizza fell through the floor as corporations posturing against Obamacare has hit critical mass. Darden Inc, owner of the franchises Longhorn Steakhouse, Olive Garden and Red Lobster, quickly backed off any proposal to raise prices or cut hours for their employees after a severe public backlash. Denny's, Applebee's and, especially, Papa John's were not as fast and their brands suffered massive outcry. Denny's and Applebee's had their brand hurt by franchise owners and not the home office which may protect them somewhat from the villagers with pitchforks and torches. Schnatter was less lucky as he IS the face of the company and his statements, which he has lamely tried to say were taken out of context (they weren't), have killed his profits and brand name. Take your too sweet pizza (what is your secret ingredient, two tons of sugar per pie?), get inside you ludicrously large castle and stay there. Forever.
3)Michigan and Right to work laws- Michigan has become the 24th state to pass union busting, right to work laws, which do NOTHING to protect the average worker. What this does is end mandatory union fees from paychecks, draining the unions of any political capital they once had. While only 17.5% of the state are union, almost all work for the car industry which is hell bent on destroying the livelihood of anyone working for them. Twenty years ago, a linesman could make $60,000 a year. Today, he'll be lucky to make $28,000 with few benefits and no protection. These laws also make it even easier to get fired from any job and give corporations massive amounts of power that the Tea Party is helping them get. What a bunch of assholes.
4)The Tea Party- After these fuckwads got the shaft in the last election, the signs are showing that even the GOP is giving them the heave-ho. Boehner replaced four of the ultra conservatives from key positions, Jim DeMint is leaving the senate to run the Heritage Foundation and even Dick Armey had been ousted from Freedomworks, a Tea Party forefather. Fox News is being derided on a near daily basis by the world press after all their polls for the election proved wrong while they still beat the dead horse that is Benghazi. Dick Morris and Karl Rove have been banished form the airwaves as they both predicted huge wins for the GOP, none of which materialized, making Fox News a laughingstock. Even the Koch brothers got slammed as every one of the candidates lost badly, like Allen West, the two "rape is God's will" senators, and a dozen others. Even worse, corporate America has seen the writing on the wall as well and now all profess to love Obamacare and are asking for higher taxes on rich people (although I do notice that Corporate taxes are never mentioned). The Tea Party is over as we all knew it would be. Good bye douchebags. You will not be missed.
5)Mayor Bloomberg- I never liked this guy. From his nanny state mentality to his fascist police force he uses like a personal weapon, we have another nail in the coffin for this ass. After landing in a parking lot on Staten Island, he was shocked to discover the Occupy movement had set up a local food and clothing drive to help those still without power (really, that storm was some time ago). He congratulated them for the good work they doing, left, and then called the cops to have them forcibly removed. That is a real dick move. Your term can't end soon enough.
6)TSA- Yes another TSA agent was arrested from JFK, the worst airport on Earth, for theft. I had stuff stolen from the same place about ten years ago so I it is disheartening to see nothing has changed. The whole thing was a sting where an I-Pad was left intentially by a news crew with a GPS in it. The newscasters tracked it back to Sean Henry, 32, or was fired soon after and arrested on grand larceny charges. Can we please go back to the way things were we could lock our suitcases (X-raying our luggage would be much simpler), not get raped to get on a plane, or, the very least, do some sort of BACKGROUND CHECK on the morons you hire.
7)Mitch McConnell- The turtle strikes again. After demanding Harry Reid bring budget bills to the floor, Reid stunned him by doing just that, leaving McConnell with little choice but to filibuster his own bill. Reid asked for an up or down vote, which is in his power to do, so McConnell said 60 votes would be needed for a bill of this importance, killing it. That's is irony at it's best. This loser needs to go away in 2014, stat.
8)Mel Greig and Michael Christian- Some pranks not only are NOT funny but can also have deadly consequences. These two idiots, radio jocks for an Australian station, thought it would be funny to prank the hospital who was treating Kate Middleton by pretending to be the Queen. The nurse, Jacintha Saldanha, fell for it and gave away some personal information, although nothing too troubling. But the backlash was immediate against the two radio personalities that this was going over the line, which it was. Unfortunately, the one person who REALLY didn't find it funny was the poor nurse who killed herself today over the incident. She was most likely reprimanded and may have been even facing termination for this unfunny joke. The two radio jocks and been put on indefinite leave and have ordered not to talk to the press. You know what would be really funny? If you two assholes followed poor Jacintha into that white light you sent her binto. I hope you feel guilt for the rest of your miserable lives.
9)Bob Costas- Much like the two above, Costas needs to shut the hell up already. Digging his hole deeper this week, Costas went on various shows like Bill O'Reilly to clarify what he meant, which didn't help his damaged image. Much like the right wingers who live in a protected bubble, the left has one much the same when it comes to guns. Most of the info they have is wrong or distorted such as the statistic that you are more likely to shoot someone you know than a robber. Apparently, this stat comes from a long discredited researcher, as current info suggests than in actuality, there are three times are as many incidents of guns saving lives than people being shot accidentally. And most of the accidental shootings involve alcohol or drug dealers. People who lawfully use their guns as is their right rarely shoot anyone, which is something I have been saying for years. Guns are here to stay and with good reason. Go back to sports dude because these rants are not helping.
10)Syria- Assad has got to be dumbest man on the planet. Apparently he missed the news when Saddam got hung or Qaddafi was bdragged through the streets. Every expert out there says the fall of Damascus is inevitable at this point as defections, world condemnation and the loss of all of their allies have proven catastrophic. Rather than quit or look for a way out, Assad has weaponized his sarin gas supply and is threatening to use it. The world is also worried that these weapons could fall into terrorist hands, a devastating possibility. The world has moved a massive amount of hardware, naval vessels and personnel into the region including both a French and US strike force, each with an air craft carrier. If he uses the gas, he get blown back to Mars. If he doesn't use them, it's one more sign of his faltering rule. Either way, he's toast. So congratulation Bashir Assad, you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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