1)The police- Yes once again our boys in blue are having their reputations tarnished by fuckheads who should be drummed out of the uniform and forced to clean toilets for the rest of their lives. I don't hate all cops, just most of them. And this group is a real winner. Two Texas police officers are being sued by two women who were body cavity searched on the side of the road under suspicion of pot possession. That's right. Weed. One has been suspended but no doubt even if fired some other idiot will hire him and the whole thing starts all over. Or take Lisa Steed, a Utah police officer, who was decorated for an extraordinary amount of drunk driving arrests causing many people to lose, under those awful forfeiture laws, their cars, their mobile homes and, as a result, sometimes, their jobs. Turns out there was good reason she was making all these arrests. She was falsifying the results. After it was discovered, she was fired and sued. Again, don't be surprised if she gets hired somewhere else. The last story takes the cake though. DC SWAT, using a no knock attack, swarmed a house for no known reason and nearly killed a teen girl when they fired at her, even though she was unarmed. No arrests were made as nothing was found and police refuse to state why they were there in the first place. Tell me again why we don't need the 2nd amendment?
2)People who do not understand the 2nd amendment- This law was never meant for self protection against crime, or hunting or sport. It is to protect against tyranny. Want proof? Here it is:
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." (Thomas Jefferson Papers p. 334, 1950)
Debate that.
3)Right to work laws- When employers have all the power to fire you for whatever reason, bad things happen. Yes those pesky unions some of you hate with every fiber of your being did protect you from these kind of abuses which, as the story will show, now makes women subservient. Congratulations you just brought us back to the 19th century. An Iowa high court ruled that a dental hygentist could be fired because she was "too attractive." Yes that's right ladies,, now your boss can say your beauty is affecting his concentration and has to fire you as a result. Nevermind if it is true or not, it is now a valid reason for termination. Iowa's all male Supreme Count ruled 7-0 against her. Shocker. Next up, all women will have to wear a burqa to work.
4)Egypt-Today the new Constitution was voted in by over 60% of the public. It was most likely brought to you be the same people who ran the 2000 and 2004 elections here. Many are crying foul and this is furthering the destabilization of the nation who are beginning to see Morsi as worse than Mubarak. The devil you know, guys, the devil you know.
5)India and rape- Two high profile rapes in the country have set the nation ablaze in waves of violence. Much like England and Australia, India is experiencing a surge in rape. How are those anti-gun laws working for you? Oh can't answer me cause you have a dick thrust in every hole? I'll wait. You are three times more likely to be raped in these three countries than the worst neighborhood here. The trouble started when six drunk men gang raped a woman on the back of the bus while beating her and her boyfriend. She is fighting of her life. Then, Momoko, an Indian model/actress was allegedly sexually assaulted by a member of a militant group the NSCN. Riots have broken out and a reporter was shot dead by police. Rape is up 17% in major cities. If these women had guns, these attacks may not have happened at all. Just ask people in cities like El Paso.
6)Piers Morgan- My god his anti-gun rants have gotten tiresome. Morgan has little to no understanding of guns and their necessity but even worse, both he and Christie Amanpour, recited facts that seem to be made up. Both said crime was down in England and the murder rate with guns had plummeted. Both are not true. According to their own government statistics, violent crime is way up, gun deaths have increased (although the murder rate itself has gone down but that was happening even before the gun ban, just like here), rape is tripling in nature and break-ins during the day have gone up 50%. This is all since the gun bad went into effect. This isn't NRA nonsense or some gun nut making up facts. I got these from the English government. If you are going to be reporter, facts mean everything even if it goes against what you believe. You have been a very poor reporter this week, Piers.
7)Korea- Theysedouchebags launched another missile this week all but screaming they are looking for war. Be careful what you wish for guys.
8)Mitt Romney- The Boston Globe published a eulogy of the Romney campaign to paint how this attempt failed so badly. Exit polls showed 81% to 18% that voters felt Obama understood the average man better than Romney. Ouch. They also went to blame internal and favorable polls that artificially skewered the results (like I said from early on). He moved too far to the right to get the nomination which burned any chance of getting moderates on board. Here's the funny part, even after this huge loss, the Republican party has made no change to any position, killing themselves in recent polls.
9)Republicans-It has not been a good week for the GOP. They killed Boehner's Plan B over raising taxes on people making over one million dollars and the result has been an outpouring of hate toward them. The numbers look real bad at this point and the Republican party, as we know it, is almost dead. If they don't start jettisoning Tea Party bull, they stand to lose huge in the next few elections. And for gun rights advocates that may not be such a good thing. So if you vote someone into office who thinks rape is God's will, you might want to think about a different person for the primaries.
10)Boehner- Nobody had it as bad as him this week. He looked weak after his own bill was pulled due to the fact that it wasn't going to pass. And even worse, Obama pounced on this like a cheetah on a gazelle. During the latest meeting, Obama made clear that all previous provisions were off the table, including the reviled chained CPI index. It appears the only reason he put it on the table in the first place was see if the GOP would bite. They didn't and now it's gone. When Boehner reportedly asked what he will get in return for tax hikes for the rich, Obama reportedly said "You get nothing." That's how you negotiate from a position of power. If Boehner doesn't go along with the new tax plan which raises taxes on those making over $250,000 (down from the proposed $400,000), extends unemployment benefits, and a permanent increase in the debt ceiling, Obama will publicly blame the Republicans during the State of the Union speech. Americans are already souring on GOP ideals as over 60% say they think the Republicans are too extreme and need to compromise. Expect that number to rise as we get closer to the end of the year.
11)Wayne LaPierre and the NRA- While a strong supporter of gun rights and the 2nd amendment, I never liked the NRA which seemed more like a political tool rather than someone fighting for guns. This week proved it. Their idiot VP,Wayne LaPierre, held a press conference this week where he had a chance to engage the nation in a meaningful discussion in some logical gun control positions, mental health and the drug war. Instead he wants more guns allowed (I am with him there), armed security guards in schools (losing me quick) and blamed violent video games, movies, TV and music for all the shootings (Fuck him). What a tool. Even NRA members overwhelmingly agree that background checks should happen for every gun sale. And while I have no problem with teachers arming themselves, armed guards roaming the halls seem a little extreme. not to mention the fact that for all the talk of police being crack shots, most couldn't hit the the broad side of a barn. Stats show you are five times more likely to be accidentally shot by the police than the public. I feel better knowing my science teacher has a gun than Barney Fife. And entertainment? Really? Remind me again about all those mass shootings throughout the world where this same media is available? Oh that's right, their aren't any, even though some places have access to better fire arms than we do. So congratulations Wayne LaPierre, you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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