Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What The Super Congress Bill Entails. Stop The Panicing NRA

With what can only be described as a last minute deal between parties, the debt ceiling will be raised, no new taxes are on the table and 1 trillion dollar in cuts occur. A Super Congress will be formed to help deal with the next round of cuts. A special bipartisan "super committee" of 12 lawmakers is going to be making recommendations that will later be sent to the House and Senate for a vote by December. No fillbuster will be allowed, nor admendments, and be subject to a simple up or down vote. If they don't succeed, the new law would impose steep, automatic cuts across the federal budget, including defense programs and Medicare. Lawmakers also must consider whether to extend a payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance benefits.

Nowhere in this statement or any other do the words gun control, gay rights or any number of other issues this committee has any power to deal with. Yes, Ried said it had the power to look into every part of government but with the idea of budget cuts not imposing policy. The Super Congress power seems extremely limited to budget ideas and may indeed be a good thing since the Teatards seem to determined to topple every part of government they can get their sadistic little hands on. You want better government? Stop voting for people too stupid to be the town idiot. People like Mike Lee of Utah and Jason Chaffetz (both from Utah which figures) need to be thrown into the Potomac as soon as their term ends. It is dangerous fools like this killing this country. The Tea Party are fascists. Don't believe me? Compare their track record to the brownshirts. They both hated Unions and minorities and anyone not just like them (Aryan). The Tea Party is dangerous.

So calm down everyone, the government isn't out for your guns as I hear everyday along with Obama is not a US born citizen, both of which make me want to barf. Chill out, have a drink and stop spouting nonsense. We have enough trouble without the Internet trolls making it worse.

Is the debt ceiling deal a good idea? Probably not. But we have to wait and see before we start jumping up and down like drunken monkeys. As the Dow dropped almost 300 points today, the business world certainly didn't like it. Whether that's bad news or not is another matter.


  1. fuck you liberal tard

  2. thanks for proving my point teatard

  3. It's been clearly explained that the Super Congress would have the right to ban guns or do whatever they wish with the 2nd amendment if Congress votes them the right. Where do you get your news from?

  4. they haven't been given any of those rights yet. As of right now it is just budget concerns. If they do get those abilities, then we should say in a loud voice "that's unconsitiutional" and shoot anyone who tries to take our guns away. I support the 2nd admendment wholehearedly.

    As for where I get my news? Everywhere, which is why I know for a fact this Super Congress only has budegetary rights. If this changes, then protest, violent or otherwise, will certainly be occuring.

    Cops are getting killed at reciord numbers because people have lost all faith in them. What do you think will happne if gun confiscation becaomes the norm?
