Thursday, August 11, 2011


Lots of douchebags this week. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Fox News- Their "news" shows keep running their mouths off about things that are completely wrong. They say that the riots in London had nothing to do with poverty, that they were just mindless things bent of destruction. They are part right in that this was just thuggery at its best, but this situation was brought on by economic failures to get any money to the lower classes. Trickle down economics is as bad a failure as communism and we should really be harsh upon anyone ballyhooing these kinds of idiotic statements. Plus, if 46% of people are paying no taxes, that means there are way too many poor people in this country and rich f#$ckers paying nothing. FIX THE GODDAMNED TAX CODE ALREADY! It's simple. If you make less than 30,000 a year you pay nothing. 30,001-60,000 pay 10-20%, 60,001-125,000 pay 30-40%, 125,001-500,000 pay 41-50% and anyone making more pays 60%. Fair for all. Now just freaking do it and shut the hell up.

2)Rioters- These morons ripped up London for the most part because they wanted to stick it to the cops who deserved a good beat down for their idiocy. But like always there is some who take it too far like the two twats stealing from an injured man and the sure to be racist jerk who ran over three Muslim men defending their shop. All of London is responsible for this. You've turned a blind eye to the poor for too long and now it's coming back to bite you in the ass. These riots have sprouted world wide, including right here in the US. Which leads me to the next-

3)MSM- While Fox news got a special shout for the elitist crap they have been spouting lately about the rich, they also deserve some credit for being the only outlet talking about the gangs of black youths praying on white victims. In Wisconsin this week, white fair goers were pulled out of their car by gangs of black thugs who then robbed and beat them. The MSM went out of their way to marginalize and refute racist tendencies with even the police stating they had no evidence of a hate crime. Too bad the 911 calls released today paint another picture entirely with people calling for help talking about how they were being singled out for their race and even black security guards REFUSING TO HELP WHITE VICTIMS. In Philadelphia gangs of blacks are attacking tourists in the Union and Center City areas, both popular with tourists. Again the attacks are racist inaction yet we hear nothing. If the tables were reversed we'd be inundated with stories about how this can't be happening. Reverend Al Sharpton would be on 24/7 condemning it. Instead we get denials and false facts. Wake up America. The poor are coming.

4)Congress- These douchbags are all on vacation till September. Shouldn't they be in DC trying to figure a way out of this mess they've left us with. Naa, because they're too busy preparing for the coming war in September. (Expect Syria and Iran to be involved).

5)Standard and Poor- Nice going numnuts. This company caused the whole mess by trading in AAA option mortgages that were F minus at best. Then once they f%^cked up everything up and good they downgrade us because we don't bribe them the way companies do. The latest rumor of France being downgraded caused the market to nose dive off again yesterday before the dead cat bounce today. So congratulations S and P you are douche bag of the week.

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