Friday, August 26, 2011


Hurricane Irene is bearing down on the East Coast as we speak, possibly the strongest in several decades. The last hurricane I was in was Hurricane Floyd, a category two, when I lived in New Jersey and it was a whopper. A huge tree cam down in my front yard and blocked the road. Some idiot tried to drive through my yard and got stuck in the mud as a result. I will never forget him sheepishly asking to use my phone to call a tow truck and apologizing for the state he left my yard. I made him reseed it.

But now comes Irene and God help us if it's as bad as Gloria way beck in 1985 which left me without power for a week. The toilets in my house were beyond bad and I spent most of my time at friends houses who still had power. The track is still uncertain but there's still a possibility of the eye wall going right over my house again. In the past eight weeks we've had a tornado, and earthquake and now a hurricane. I think Mother Nature is pissed at somebody. And that somebody is the Tea Party.

The effects of the Teatards are in full swing and the results are anything but pretty. Crime is skyrocketing everywhere as thieves target anything not nailed down (and some bolted down like the theft of postal boxes in Pennsylvania recently). Brutal daytime assaults have led to strict curfews there, which some are calling racist and illegal (they aren't). Jobs are becoming fewer and fewer except for the most highly skilled or the very rich, neither of which has seen much of a downturn at any point these past few years. And what has been the Teatards attitude to all this: Let them eat cake.

Eric Cantor (and not to be anti-Semitic, which I am certainly not, but let's call him what he really is Jewy Mcjewjew) says that any Earthquake funds allocated should be marred with cuts elsewhere to make it deficit neutral. Brilliant. You couldn't run a household on that notion let alone a country. Imagine this around the dinner table: "I'm sorry Darlene but we don't have the budget for your braces so that snaggle tooth is going to have to stay. And I know you needed a new car, my dear wife, but that deathtrap is going to have to hold up another year. And too bad about little Johnny's cancer. Guess we will have to make another son." No family would live like that and neither should we. Sometimes going into debt is absolutely necessary and beneficial, not the evil bogeyman Teatards play it up as. Our lack of stimulus spending is guaranteeing us another dip into serious Depression territory. Read history you morons and watch what FDR did that send us right back into the red, also at the clamoring of idiots Republicans screaming about the amount of money we were spending. He listened and we got screwed again for a few more years until WW2 started. Don't let history repeat itself.

Obama (and Bush before him)did screw up the stimulus by lending to banks with no strings attached and then conveniently forgot about Main Street. Plus, no one at any bank was ever arrested for any of the wrong doing and even got richer as a result. No job programs, no retraining funds. We got left at the altar while everybody else partied at the reception we paid for. The stimulus may have temporally stabilized the economy but as no regulations were ever fixed we are rapidly approaching another tipping point.

With the rigging of the stock market being talked about on MSM now, the cat is out of the bag that the government is running a rigged casino, for which they have all the abilities to make a fortune. Like Warren Buffet who bought five billion worth of BoA stock causing it to rise 26% and making him several hundred million in the process. His acquisition of stock caused the price to rise making him a fortune. He still may dump it, netting him a huge profit and screwing BoA stock holders in the process when the price nosedives again. This is what you are competing against. Day traders are the norm not the exception anymore as they can game the system and make billions. The average stock holder is going to be left holding the bag and wondering where their money all went.

The Tea Party is dangerous, possibly the most dangerous group to ever grace our shores. There are fascist and Nazis. They must be stopped before they create anymore damage with the idiotic, provably wrong, ideas. I've had discussions with Teatards and I have a better chance of getting my dog to read before they will listen to reason. Shun at all costs. Death to the Tea Party.

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