Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dow Plunges Downward For More Reasons Than You Are Being Led To Believe

My economic prowess have led to me to a new job writing about coin, gold and silver futures for Silverback Marketing so I obviously know a little bit more about markets than your average Joe.

If you had been listening to the MSM lately, even they acknowledge that things aren't going well, such as the inevitable return to a recession that really never ended and is now turning into a full blown Depression. In an earlier article, I demonstrated that we have been consistent in a severe recession that only didn't appear on paper due to the massive amount of money the Government threw at the problem to stem the coming floods. But these band aid developments were nothing more than sticking one's fingers in a leaky dam about to break and now the flood waters are rising.

So why exactly is the Dow dropping like a rock? Because the economic woes are not just bad here but EVERYWHERE. There's not an economy on the planet doing well as the Euro continues to flounder, climate change is affecting everyone and greed is killing us all. Stock markets as of this writing are dropping in places like Canada, across Europe and China by several percentage points. Ours is off by the same margin as of one o'clock (289 and dropping). We are falling fast because we have done zip to staunch the flow of money from which our borrowing costs are now over 100% of our GDP, which means we are now borrowing far more than we take in. And our predicament is not the only falling domino as debt fears have started a full on bank run in Greece (not that that was heard anywhere on the nightly news), debt crisises across Europe in countries like Spain, Portugal and Italy, and word that an official recession is all but inevitable given the recent economic trend of anemic growth.

We have lost everything thanks to the fascist Tea Party who have helped install a dangerous new form of government that refuses compromise, seems to have a limited grasp of science and history, and plays right into the hands of the very people that are actively destroying their lives. The Tea Party must end or soon we will see more right wing nutbags like the Norway Bomber. They are one of the most dangerous ideologies here in this country and their influence is spreading.

As climate change seems to be getting to be less and less understood let me remind you that just because it's below freezing in Chile right now, that actually proves my point not eliminates it and if you people actually read anything about the subject that was tainted with corporate interference you'd see the evidence is in and our weather is way out of whack than at any point in human history. We can discuss the reasons why but weather anomalies are becoming past the statistical chance that they could all occur in such a short period of time. The heat index has record temperatures across the US in areas like DC, Texas and NJ. This is followed by last year's brutally hot summer and the year before we had a summer that didn't exist. These temperatures extremes are beyond the possibility of chance. Something is causing our weather to go haywire. Deal with it and stop saying climate change doesn't exist. How many people have to die in a heat wave to make you idiots change your mind?

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