Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene Blows Stupdity Nationwide

The levels of idiocy seen today are staggering. Let's start with all those morons out there crying about how the storm was overhyped and overblown and it wasn't all that bad. Tell that to the dozens of people who died yesterday. Now mind you, some of these people deserved what they got. Like the schmuck in Pennsylvania who, after a big party, decided to spend the night in a tent in the back yard when a tree fell on him. Wow. Or any of the jerks who thought driving in a hurricane was a great idea when flash floods, tree limbs or lack of power at dangerous intersection had them meet their maker that much sooner. Or the two 55 year olds, too stupid to live, thought surfing and swimming in dangerous surf was a great idea. Darwinism at work.

But still articles are being written about how much overreaction there was, especially in New York where, thankfully, things weren't as bad as they could have been. Nevertheless, billions of dollars was washed away in property damage, more lost in business revenue, and millions without power would beg to differ. Thank god this wasn't worse, but what would you people have, another Katrina where no preparation was given and thousands lost their lives? You can't disprove a negative so we have no idea how many lives were saved by doing what was done but I can be positive that it would have been hundreds, if not thousands more, had we just gone along as business as usual. And then you miscontents would be bitching about how not enough was done. There is no pleasing some people. This was a bad bad storm. Just because your center of the universe was unaffected, doesn't mean everyone's else is hunky dory too. Learn to look through other people's eyes.

But as sure as some will complain about everything, these are the same people who think Rick Perry is the guy to beat Obama. He isn't and you are inadvertently guaranteeing another four years of the idiot we have now, whose numbers are dropping by the day (now down to a 38% approval rating). Michelle "the Lunatic" Bachmann said the Hurricane was God's way of saying we're headed in the wrong direction. I think he's pissed at you and the Tea Party myself but we can agree to disagree on this.

The GOP, including Jewy Mcjewjew (Eric Cantor), thinks that we can save this country by removing all regulations on the environment and jobs. Just what was needed: me going to my 2 dollar and hour job in horrific working conditions. Welcome back 1897. You were not missed and the robber barons with you.

Speaking of house niggers, Colin Powell was blasting Dick Cheney's new book as woefully inaccurate. Too bad that conversation didn't happen before he lied to the American people and got us involved in another unending war. He's a disgrace to the uniform and a traitor to this country. He and everyone else in the Bush administration should be lined up and shot for treason, starting with Dick Cheney. But instead they get a big fat book deal. Anyone buying this crap should be treated the same. Idiots.

This country needs an enema.

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