Saturday, August 27, 2011


In the past eight weeks, we've had an earthquake, a tornado and now a hurricane. I think someone's pissed at us. Let's see those runner ups.

1)MSM- Stop telling me Ron Paul can't win. He's the most popular guy in the race and ties Obama in most races. Just because you don't like the guy for obvious reasons (he'll buck the system) doesn't mean you can ignore him or defame him at will. Ron Paul is our last chance. I know, I know Tea Party people like him but he's the real deal and it gives me some hope for the band of idiots to actually have a brain among them.

2)The Tea Party- Unfortunately, most of these morons are supporting Rick Perry. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? Rick Perry is a corporate stooge who will send this country back to the stone age. Don't you assholes remember George Bush or are you so brain damaged and inept that your mind can't travel that far back in time? First off, I don't care if Obama gets caught on tape screwing a seven year old while crapping on the Constitution, he'll still beat Perry in a landslide. Why? Because Perry's record is terrible. His state may be great at getting business to show up but he does it at the expense of everything else. His state is dead last (or near it) in health care, education, people working minimum wage jobs, children living in poverty, and obesity. His vision sounds like just what America needs: another Texas Christian (a Dominionist as well. Look it up. It's a scary subset of Christianity that believes in total control over everything as part of God's will) Governor with a God complex and few solutions. The Teatards have proven their idiocy with this pick (and some manipulation by the MSM to get Paul out the race as soon as possible). Any fool campaigner for this man should be shunned, shunned, shunned.

3)Weather Forecasters- This one goes out to all the idiot forecasters out there who have downplayed the major threat headed our way. I've been in several hurricanes in my life and even more tropical storms. Regardless of what some lesser professionals believe (usually in some sort of government plot or ratings scheme) Irene is dangerous and all precautions should be taken. This is not a drill.

4)Republicans- Any person not supporting Ron Paul at this point, especially the GOP followers are not really Republicans. Get those Nazi swastikas ready you brownshirts because a vote for Perry, is a vote for fascism. Not that Obama has proven any better, mind you. Ron Paul for president. For God's sake people, it's our last hope.

5)Mother Nature- As I write this, it is pouring outside. The worst news is that it has nothing to do with Irene, but a freak rainstorm that popped up out of nowhere. The weather is getting stranger and stranger. Earthquake occurrence is increasing dramatically, possibly due to fracking by natural gas companies. Radiation is still cascading down on us as Fukishima continues to burn. The first hurricane in years is bearing down on us. Mother Nature must really hate the Tea Party (to borrow a similar idea fostered on us by preachers who said Katrina was because of gay people). So congratulation Mother Nature (and the Teatards that caused all this). You are indeed douchebag of the week.

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