Tuesday, November 23, 2010

North Korea Attacks, World Shrugs

You know we live in a messed up universe when countries like Iraq can do nothing and still get wiped out, while Iran and North Korea thumb their nose at us and we stand by and watch. Yesterday, the most serious attack since the end of the Korean war happened near Inchon when the North Koreans unleashed a barrage of firepower at the South Korean Islands. Two were killed and thirteen injured. South Korea is demanding some sort of retaliation as is Japan. This is the second attack in eight months on our ally and once again this country turned a blind eye. Japan is rumored to be furious with us and South Korea can't be thrilled either. When we failed to take out North Korea in the 90's, thanks to the unholy combination of Clinton's unwillingness to start a massive war and Carter's incompetence with negotiations, we are now stuck with a much worse situation. Yes millions would have died back then but by doing nothing billions may die instead. Awesome trade off douchbags. With Obama looking more and more lame duckish by the second, his second term is an almost certain failure. This of course leads to the possibility of Romney, Huckabee, Gingrich or even, shudder, Palin, as our next President. At this point I don't care. We asked for an FDR and we got Carter. Again. At least if a Republican gets in, this whole fiasco will come tumbling down around them, sending this country into the third world status it so richly deserves. Obama's current poll number at 39% and falling show the public has about had it with his mock-democratic ways and his TSA hijinks. I used to be mad when I saw pictures of Obama with a Hitler mustache. Now, I kind of agree with them. He's all but lost my vote in the next election and it is not even close to election time. Short of him bribing me with some sort of government handout, he's finished. War with North Korea may come form all this but I kind of doubt it. The world is too pussyish to do anything about it and North Korea hardly wants a war they can't win. This is more sabre rattling from a society that is in disarray. No one knows how much power Kim Jung Il has and how much his twenty something son has, now promoted to General of the armed forces. It never should have gotten to this point. The argument as to why shouldn't we let Iran have nuclear weapons is right here for the world to see. Sooner or later, there is going to be nuclear war, sooner at this rate. And because we let countries get them who never should, all of our lives are in danger. More as the story unfolds.

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