Saturday, November 6, 2010


It was another no brainer this week as to the winner, especially after the mid term drubbing they got mainly due to a complete lack of understanding as to how the world works. Conservatives may be an almost equally brainless lot, as seen on the message boards for both sides lately, but at least they stand by their convictions. Liberals run for the hills if anything seems hinkey. Let's see those runner ups.

The Tea Party Nutbags Who Ran For Office- This week 90% of the true idiots who ran for office lost. Only Rand Paul and Mark Rubio made any real headway as Senators elect, with the defeat of Whitman, Fiorina, Angles, Paladino and O'Donnell. While Paladino and O'Donnell had little chance due to their inability to understand that cameras not only record information but that it is later shown on all the news networks and Internet, the rest were closer than they should have been. Fiorina was once voted one of the worst CEO ever in this country, but still convinced people that she would be much better at this job. Yeah right. Thank God for the little rationality we still have left for not voting Angles, a real danger, into the Senate. Let's hope that rationality continues into 2012. I fear it won't as Obama seems to be on autopilot lately.

Republicans- Now that the Tea party is going to be a force to be reckoned with, the GOP has literally gotten into bed with the devil. Speaker to be John Boener publicly said he would never let the Tea Party down. And the countdown to that promise has the shelf life of a tuna sandwich in the sun on a 100 degree day. Boener has talked about cutting salary pay for the Senate and House which would be a good start. But as the Tea party doesn't want to cut SS or the military budget, balancing the budget is impossible. So Boener has promised the Tea Party something that he cannot deliver on. With talk of armed insurrection still on the message boards, we should be very wary as this will never lead to any thing good at this point other than a military crackdown and true fascism which is probably their end game. The Tea Party has handed them the reigns to do such a thing. We can only hope the new GOP will be better than that of the past. And maybe monkeys will fly.

LIBERALS- While I definitely have some left leaning issues such as abortion, gay rights, stem cell research and the environment, my similarities end there. I have never understood why conservatives can be so proud of their background while liberals treat their ideals as something shameful and hidden. This week Keith Olbermann was suspended indefinitely for giving money to democratic candidates in violation of policy at NBC. I hate to break it to you but MSNBC is liberal and should be proud of it if that's what it wants to be. You don't see Fox news doing any such thing. Why? Because despite the "fair and Balanced slogan," we all know they are a GOP propaganda machine for the most part. MSNBC pretends to be non biased which is like calling a black cat white because you don't like the color. NPR has been the in same boat by denying their workers the ability to attend the Jon Stewart rally so as to not appear biased. REALLY? I never knew NPR was liberal. What a minute. I do. Why? I'VE LISTENED TO IT. I hate when people deny what they are (Vegans I'm looking at you). If you want to do something different MSNBC who about reporting the truth instead of the corporate nonsense you fill the air waves with. So congratulations liberals you are indeed douchebags of the week

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