Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Tomorrow: Who Will Win?

With the democrats all but certain to lose the House and possibly the Senate tomorrow, most have to wonder as to what happened that got us to this place. Weren't the Republicans all but dead for the last few years? What changed? Not much actually. The democrats decided to squander every bit of good will they got the last four years by siding with big business, big government and the dissolution of the muddle class. As a direct result they find themselves in the exact same position the Republicans found themselves in just two short years ago. They were smart enough to re-brand themselves as the Tea Party, supposedly to look out for the little guy against the crushing weight of an overreaching government. What we really have is another Brownshirt party bent on having corporations run everything, the very definition of fascism. The Tea Party is being led down a road to ruin which I would have more sympathy for had any of them actually opened a book in the past few months. Ominous signs of what is to come are already being implemented in loo of tomorrows whipping that the dems stand to suffer. With unemployment all but dead past the initial six months, those out of work are going to pay dearly at the polls this year. By the end of this month, 3 million people will be added to the ranks of those no longer able to receive a paycheck. The 99ers as they are called will soon be unable to pay rent, a mortgage or bills. What consequence do you think that will have on society? Plus, as the number of weeks are going to be drastically reduced due to the new Congress make up, these numbers are going to be staggering high by next Spring. So what is government doing about it? Illinois is adding armed guards to 36 unemployment offices state wide. This will probably be the national norm as people are going to lose it when they can't pay for anything anymore. Get ready for European style rioting and possibly Tea Party payback for people uber-angry at those that caused them to lose any life support they were getting. This will in turn collapse the economy as even more foreclosures are going to occur and less money will be pumped into the system. Jobs will be lost and, most likely, Obama will get the blame. With gridlock a foregone conclusion, the only hope we have now is that Republicans will see that the country is suffering and reach a hand a cross the aisle to Democrats to help stabilize things. That will probably happen when pigs fly but hey, you have to have some optimism in these dark times. If the Tea party takes over the GOP, much like the Christian Conservatives did in the eighties, we will be witnessing a real takeover by big business into politics. And anybody with a history book should remember the last time this scenario played out, Hitler was elected, a possibility for a charismatic Tea party candidate in the upcoming presidential contest. While no one stands out right now, a dark horse could emerge soon (like Obama did for the democrats) and play right into the hands of those that hate our current leader. He has made his mistakes but he has been far better than W, the man that got us into this mess; a mess that most seem to have forgotten about. I truly fear that Muslims in this country might be the new Jews of the Fifth Reich. Sure Muslims have been their own worst PR people, but they are not all fantastical losers either. I know quite a few that are far from the bomb throwing, Koran reading zealots the media makes them all out to be. But much like the Jews were the scapegoats for Hitler, I believe some future politicians (and current from some of the political ads I've seen) will use religion and race to shine a bright spotlight on them. This cannot be done. Religious freedom is the bedrock of this country as is the separation of church and state, regardless of what Christine O'Donnell thinks. We must protect our Muslim friends from any such atrocities. That is the American way. I just wish more people were behaving like this and not replicating an ugly blot on mankind's past. Fear the Tea Party, especially if your Hispanic or Muslim. The repercussions are going to be extreme.

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