Sunday, December 19, 2010


Another no brainer although the Republicans were a close second this week. Three non douchebags who deserve some credit is Obama for finally following through on one of his campaign promises to end don't ask don't tell. It's about time for both him and the rest of the idiots in Congress to get with the times and do what the rest of the world has already done. Joe Lieberman and Scott Brown (two politicians I rather loathe) also gets some kudos for their support of this long over due bill. So congratulations on not being anywhere near douchebag of the week.

1) The guy in front of me at the ATM this week. A word to all those non computer savvy people: Do not use an ATM if you don't know how it works. I watched an older gentleman spend twenty minutes trying to figure out what buttons to press. The card kept going in and out and it appeared he was trying to submit a large sum of cash. When he finally got the bills in, one wouldn't take. He tried again and again to no avail. The worst part was I realized that the "huge" amount was fifty dollars in ones and one dollar wouldn't go in. He spent an eternity FOR ONE FREAKIN' BILL. I wanted to punch him.

2)Republicans- Forgetting the election was only a few weeks back, the Republican party pissed in the faces of their base by signing on to bill that gives the wealthy a huge tax break and will cost over a trillion dollars. The Tea party constituents were rightfully pissed when they noticed that all the talk of stopping the spending was worth as much as one of Obama's campaign promises. When the budget bill came to pass, another trillion dollars was added on, with much Republican support. When the tea party started calling on their senators, the bill was hastily shelved. Mitch McConnell was shocked, SHOCKED, by the level of spending earmarks in there. He must of missed the part where he added ten million in earmarks for his state as well. The bill has been scrapped to get rid of all the pork. What hasn't stopped is the business as usual nonsense coming from both the Republicans and Democrats. Any vote for either party now is the equivalent of being a traitor to your country. Either find a good candidate or don't vote anymore. This crap has got to stop.

3)MSM-Once again the main stream media has missed a major story, something they are very good at. As they missed the BP fallout, the 12 trillion dollars in missing funds and a host of other stories, this can hardly be surprising. This time they failed to mention that Republicans were fighting tooth and nail to stop the 911 responders health bill which would have helped all the brave people who risked their lives to dig out bodies at Ground Zero. This is the same party that can't stop using this disaster to their own advantage but now want to forget about those who actually helped out. Not one word on any Nightly News and only peace meal on the cable networks. For Fox this is astonishing. Avoid the MSM for truth. They're as accurate as the Nazi's were. Congratulation MSM you are douchebag of the week.

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