Saturday, December 4, 2010


Not a big surprise as to the winner as she's really a douchebag every week. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Obama- Our pussy in chief has capitulated once again to the Republicans as it appears he will back down on tax increases for the rich. True it will help get unemployment extensions through which is vitally important, but he is without a doubt the weakest president since Jimmy Carter. What is it with Democrats who cannot grow a spine? Carter screwed us in the Middle East for years to come and Clinton's failure to recognize the real danger of a nuclear armed North Korea (albeit he was helped by Carter once again, making him the only president to ever do two massive blunders that would affect national security, one while he wasn't even in office) has had serious current consequences. STAND UP TO THE REPUBLICANS YOU SHMUCK! I have never seen a president so willing to negotiate away everything before even talking with the other side. If we ever have to go war, a real big one, Obama may actually be much much worse than Bush. Let that last sentence sink in. Obama could be worse than Bush. Frightening. That coupled with his inability to stop any abuse of power, nay increasing it, makes me very worried about who we put into office. But when the alternative was a doddering old fool and a retard (both of whom are going to be mentioned below) there really wasn't much of a choice.

2)Television news- This week it was reported by Senator Bernie Saunders and the GAO that 9 trillion dollars was given to US AND foreign banks in the bail outs. That amount of money could have solved every problem this country had, and instead we pissed it away to the billionaire bailout club which is where all that money really went: into rich people's pockets. While this story did spread across the Internet with a lot of coverage and most newspapers, the nightly news didn't mention it all. Shouldn't that be your top story? But no, we are still being spoon fed the garbage story about Julian Assange's idiotic rape allegations that appear to have no basis in reality. There is a reason he hasn't been arrested yet by Scotland Yard and the fact remains that even they are skeptical about the charges. This is one of the biggest stories of the year and few seem to know about it. Ron Paul and Bernie Saunders are also being censored by Congress who don't want this info out there. Shocker. We are being ripped off like never before in human history and most people just shrug and go about their day. Just awful.

3)John McCain-Making me still glad he didn't win the Presidency as I firmly believe the world would be a smouldering husk by now had geezer and VP idiot gotten into office. Hid latest round of stupidity and flushing whatever was left of his self respect, McCain came out against gays in the military again. Let's not forget that he has contradicted himself over and over with this and it's getting less and less funny and one has to wonder how much sense this old fart has left. Can you please just have a heart attack and die already you ancient bastard. Gays in the military and going to happen and no one cares except people raised during the civil war. The fact you were elected along with Gov Brewster makes me wonder what the hell is in the water in Arizona. As my most ardent Republican family members live there, color me not surprised by all this.

4)Philadelphia Police- It has come to light that the Philadelphia Police department has decided the fourth amendment is just a suggestion. Since 2005, random stop and search details have been accomplished on anybody they think looks suspicious. Of the over 200,000 people stopped less than 8% have been actually guilty of something. Mind you some of these may have been stopped multiple times but the fact remains that cops are stopping and searching you for how you look. Profiling (although in this case badly it would appear) is something I would agree with it, but you can't stop someone who is black on a street corner with his hands in his pocket. Profiling is more than just about race or religion it's about attitude. As their success rate is terrible, this policy needs to to be ended. Our freedoms are eroding day by day and no one seems to care. Do you?

5)Helen Thomas-I used to like this woman until it came out that she's a vicious anti-semite with no real undersatnding of world politics. How did this go unoticed for so long? At a recent speech to a detroit Arab league, Thomas went off on Zionist control of Hollywood and politics. She then went on to blame Isreal for every problme that ever existed, including the fall of Rome, the spece shuttle disatsers and Pauly Shore. (just kidding about those). Much like McCain, her reputtation is permanently damaged. Shut the hell up and die quickly, you old crone.

6)Sarah Palin- Douchebag extraordinaire and a real contender for douchebag of the year opened her bitch mouth again this week and demanded Julian Assange be arrested for treason and executed. First, He's not an US citizen, so treason doesn't fit. Second, he hasn't broken any laws. They are trying to get around it, the same way they are trying to shut down sites like this, by saying Wikileaks isn't a real news organization. Which it most certainly is. If the Internet had been around when our Founding fathers made the Constitution, you can bet dollars to doughnuts there would have been a separate provision for it. In the old days, people with enough money or savvy could start their own printing press and roll out news sheets as they wish. Were they legitimate? You bet your ass they were. Just because something isn't funded by a billionaire oligarch doesn't make it less important. I work as a reporter for a living(I know oh the irony) and this site is a legitimate news site, regardless of what you'd definition of news site is. I report the news. Period. As for her calls for his execution, the police should have her and anyone else arrested for incitement to commit murder, a felony in all fifty states. The fact that she's not shows once again the two sets of laws this country has for rich and poor. So congratulations Sarah Palin, you are douchebag of the week.

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