Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Revolution Sweeps the Globe. Masses Scream Death To Fat Cats

As I predicted years ago, the world is headed toward a full blown revolution. All civilizations rise and fall and ours is now headed to the dust bin of history. Apathy, anger and revolution are the last steps of any society. While this country is still mired in anger for some reason, the rest of planet has gone into rioting against the governments taking their last few dollars for the rich. And it seems they have had it. With the attacks on Prince Charles a serious escalation on an exahulted figure head, more can be expected to follow. Rioting has gripped Italy, Greece and now Russia with no end in sight. Ireland and Latvia are experiencing lesser degrees of anger but that may all shift with the further destruction of the middle class worldwide. For the first time in history, revolution is not subject to one country or region but around the globe. The implications for this are staggering. Britain has already said that they may implement martial law to prevent any more rioting from occurring. Good luck with that. If people are that pissed, permits aren't going to matter. They are going to riot and eventually may be too big too stop. Only by addressing the factors that cause the rioting will this end. That idea has fallen on deaf ears on an increasingly evil world empire. It is only a matter of time before these kind of acts come to our shores and I can only imagine what our demonic government will do at that point. Unlike other countries, we are heavily armed. A blood bath may be inevitable. I hope I am wrong because that kind of violence will only make things worse. However, recent actions make me think it is already too late. Clay Duke, an unemployed resident of Panama City, took the city council hostage yesterday after his benefits ran out and his wife lost her job. This was suicide by cop as he could have killed everyone in the room but purposefully shot and missed. Cops cut him down and then Clay finished himself off. The fact he spray painted a V for Vendetta symbol on the wall was very telling. How long before this happens more and more? And next time, the shooter may not miss. Revolution is here and chances it won't be pretty. Peaceful protests are our only hope, mind you ones that aren't going to end and have millions participating. With the level of apathy in this country still sky high, I see it as doubtful. The alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

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