Saturday, March 5, 2011


For only the second time doing the history of this article do we have a repeat offender. He really is a dick. Let's see who else was in the running.

1)The Federal Government- All sides, democrats and republicans, were in particularly bad form. We have an idiot President who if he's not careful, is going to get us all involved in some new war. You have Republicans who are determined to continue our slide into neo-feudalism by scrapping every provision from the poor they can while they give away every break they can to the uber-rich. Our way of life is disappearing people and the Tea Party (hijacked by the Koch brothers) is making things worse. Standards of living are getting worse and worse and the government keeps telling us everything is fine. The unemployment rate is still dropping and if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you. True, more jobs are being created and work orders are indeed up. Still, salaries continue their downward slide and prices continue to rise. The rich have to pay more and soon. Our lives depend on it. Wake up America or there won't be one left.

2)Qaddafi- The tyrant continue his destruction of the rebels which, for some unknown reason, we have decided to abandon. If he wins, he's not going to be happy with us for not helping him out and the rebels will be pissed for the same reason. Is it really that hard to pick a side. Oh I forgot. Obama is our President.

3)Charlie Sheen- I like Charlie Sheen. But he really needs to shut the hell up. He's not making a good case for himself when he's coming across as unhinged. I still think he's in the right on this as no company should have the right to tell anyone how to live their lives, no matter how destructive it is. Unless you pay us 24/7, our private lives are just that, private. Still, Charlie, if your reading this (which we all know you aren't) get some professional help. You really need it.

4)Scott Walker- Wisconsin governor douchebag continues his fascist state of non compromise (which is the bedrock of democracy) in telling the union go blow. That 40,000 you teachers make is WAY too much. Wait, no it isn't. As a matter of fact it pretty much sucks. And stop adding benefits to salaries, like it makes a difference. That money isn't being added the way you think it is. Example: If I make 40,000 dollars a year and have 200 per month taking out of my paycheck for medicial that does not add to my benefits or salary. It is DEDUCTED from my check. Now, the same with a union worker (they pay a lesser rate because of collective bargaining which we all should be allowed to do) who only has say 50 dollars removed from his paycheck per month. The difference between the two of 200 and 50 is $150 per months. That total is NOT added to my salary so you can't say that a teacher makes 40,000 per year plus 38,000 in benefits. It's still 40,000, just less subtracted from it then a private worker has. The fact I have dental doesn't mean I'm rich. I'm just paying less. Stop listening to the propaganda and realize our standard of living is under attack and we better stand up for it because otherwise we are all going to be living in abject poverty. Walker is trying to help end it. Thus he is douchebag of the week.

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