Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Republicans went off the deep end this week and even hard core followers are saying WTF? Let's see who else bit it this week.

1)Obama- Once again making the list, Obama's numbers plunged to new lows as his craptastic speech was thoroughly derided by everyone. Numnuts has got us involved in yet another war, with no exit strategy and no way to pay for any of it except on the backs of the poor who are being shoved aside for corporate interests. Now hovering around 42% approval ratings, his speech on Monday was a big bunch of lies and half truths that even the most ardent supporter questioned the reality of. This man is incapable of telling the truth to such a point that he has to be pathological. Bush, yes the man I loathe, was more honest than this idiot. I look forward to 2012 to hopefully find someone, anyone, better than him. My hopes are not high though.

2)Corporations- Showing why we shouldn't be broke, it came out this week that 2/3s of the corporations in the country not only don't pat taxes, but actually get billions back. GE got 3.2 billion for a wind farm not even built yet. Must be nice to say, yeah we will build it some day and the government gives you billions in tax breaks every year, even though the time table is years away. Every time you hear some Republican say we have the highest tax rate in the world, just remember it's only a number. Might as well be a gazillion dollars because it's not real. Businesses not only pay nothing they get billions back. Fix this and watch our deficit vanish. Plus, we need to lift the payroll cap for SS on those making over 107,000 dollars and watch SS magically come back to life. Idiots.

3) The Tea Party- Rapidly becoming the party of destruction, these numnuts are putting us on the road to ruin. I almost feel bad for John Boener who has to walk a fine line between angering these idiots and getting anything done. The Tea Party is the fascist party and anyone connected with them should be shunned. Don't let them buy in your shops. Don't let them eat in your restaurants. Just like the TSA.

4)Republicans- This week, the R party went into crash positions as people saying they are thinking about running for President ended their campaign before it even started. Newt Gingrich flip flopped worse than John Kerry and the Donald revealed he is a birther who, in a rare show of absolute stupidity, released his birth certificate. Only, oops, it was the wrong one. He gave out the hospital certificate not the state issued one, which is the same grief they are giving Obama. I may not like the guy anymore, but Christ, he was born in this country. Get over it and stop being racist. My dislike for him has NOTHING to do with race and everything to do with his inability to tell the truth. So congratulations, Republicans you are douchebag of the week.

PS-With Michelle Bachman in the race, Republicans are going to have their hands full with dumb statements.

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