Monday, March 28, 2011

Small Glimmers of Hope For Mankind

Considering the bleak nature of today's headlines, it is really gratifying to see some small steps toward a positive front. Just a few days ago, I called the American people my Douchebag of the week. The main reason for this was a large segment of the populace actually cheering on their own destruction. However, since I'd written that piece something miraculous happened. That large segment got notably smaller. It seems that not everyone is content to drink the Kool Aid and actually looked into things being said. What they found was the facts weren't what they thought. And as a result, they were kind of pissed. Good.

The best part is that almost all the anger was directed as Republicans (not that the Democrats don't deserve their fair share of blame in the mess we are in). Seems people aren't all that keen on a government shutdown, especially if the Republican scare tactics over military pay and SS being affected come true. If that scenario does pass, the economy will freefall as ALL spending stops. Millions will lose their jobs and the next Great Depression will begin almost immediately. This is what the Republicans are threatening and people aren't interested. Even funnier, the mouth breathers that tried to defend this action got thoroughly spit on by fellow Republicans. Anyone spouting commie/socialist nonsense were intellectually beaten within an inch of their lives. And this was on a Fox news site. This attitude is why Glenn Beck is losing his audience. Maybe we are getting smarter. Maybe we are seeing that the rich are taking and taking and taking. And people from all walks of life are getting sick of it.

Newt Gingrich flip flopped again about the war on Libya, making even the most strident supporter cringe in horror. He actually sounded like John Kerry and we all know how that turned out. In a pre-Iowa caucus, Republicans en masse said that social issues, like anti-abortion laws and being anti-gay, were more important than the economy. I almost died laughing when I read that. If this is what the Republicans have to offer in 2012 with such candidates as Mike Huckabee, Gingrich and, god help us all, Michelle Bachman, they are going to lose badly.

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