Sunday, May 22, 2011


Obama really should have been at the top of this list this week with some outstanding bulls$%t but the as the Supreme Court took down a law on the books since 1215, they have to get the top honors. Let's look at those runner ups.

1)Republicans- With their chances of beating Obama in the next election rapidly slipping away, Republicans have turned to such heavyweights as Chris Cristie and Paul Ryan, both of which who would get their ass kicked in 2012. Not wanting to end their political careers, they have wisely said no. Ryan is going to be in real trouble being a Republican in a state where that is now a dirty word and his support for health care vouchers which has already been striped away from the latest plan. This leaves Romney as the de facto leader right now and I really doubt he can win running away from his success with health acre in MA. I live in the state, have a background in insurance, and trust me it works. The message boards seem overly anti-Republican lately, and even the Tea Party is not happy with the idiots they voted in. People are getting very angry at being pissed on and told it's raining. Look at Spain and Greece to see what may happen here soon as out "austerity" measures make everybody very, very angry.

2)DSK- The head of the IMF rapes a maid in a 3000$ a night hotel room. He gets arrested, loses his job, and wait for it, finds out the women he forced himself on may have AIDS. Now that's funny.

3)Ben Stein- This pompous asshole needs to shut the F$%K up already. Go back to TV you pint sized hack. Go make Ferris Bueller 2 or Suck Ben Stein's Cock or some other equally inane project to keep your dim bulb ass out of the news for a while. His defense of DSK is well indefensible. Moron.

4)Obama- Way to ruin any bit of goodwill worldwide from the death of OBL. This week Congress crowned Obama king(No really they did). They gave the President card blanche to wage war against whoever and whenever he wants, powers expressly forbidden by the Constitution. The War Powers Act is now dead much like everything else in the shredded Constitution. More on that below. On top of that, Obama decided to stand in the middle of the street and get run over repeatedly after his statements about the Middle East Peace process pissed off both sides. Isrealis, who already despise the current President, hated his call to return to the pre 1967 borders as a way to peace. Palestinians were pissed that Obama had no concrete plans for a permanent Palestinian State. He must have missed the statement from Hamas last week that set the terms for any peace process. They were laughable at best. If you don't have a willing partner for peace, you won't have any. Neither side is willing to negotiate much after years of giving Palestinians almost everything they wanted and having them reject it. The right to return is something the Arabs won't give in on and the Israeli will never agree to. Dead end. Pick a side Obama. You can't make everyone happy.

5)Supreme Court- In a shocking ruling that was nearly unanimous, the Supreme Court eliminated the fourth amendment this week. It is no longer necessary for police to get a warrant to search your home if they suspect illegal activity inside or destruction of evidence. Technically, a toilet flushing is enough for them to kick in your door, hold you hostage and ransack your place. This law has been around since 1215 when the Magna Carta was signed after troops were caught illegally entering homes and doing as they wished with the inhabitants. Now cops can do the same. ANYBODY entering your home unannounced should be dealt with the most lethal means possible, cop or not. I don't condone violence but this is too much. Indiana has already set into motion the possibility of house to house searches whenever they feel like it and Illinois has said it is illegal to stop a police officer from entering your home no matter the reason. Technically, someone can now enter your home, plant evidence and cart you away. With for profit prisons everywhere, how long before people are being hauled away for no offences. This is the most dangerous precedent I have ever seen. The Supreme Court must be stopped. How I don't know. So F#$k YOU Supreme Court you are definitely douchebag of the week.

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