Monday, May 9, 2011

Bin Laden Killed. America Panics As Terrorists Spotted Everywhere

If an actual attack ever happens in this country, anyone who even resembles a Muslim is going to have to pack a gun to get work every day. From the mass panic that came out today, you would have thought 9/11 2 occured and no one bothered to tell me.

First, today was not helped by the fact that some people thought it would be HILARIOUS to do things that no sane person would do. Things like leaving a note saying bomb in the bathroom of a plane leaving Detroit or mailing white powder to schools in the DC area(both true).

Or maybe you REALLY wanted to be arrested like Abdulrahman Khalid Althuwayb, 25 of Roger Williams University who thought it would be so funny to tell cafeteria workers that he planned on blowing them up tomorrow. Guess who got arrested for making a bomb threat and is almost certainly on the soon to be deported list. There's an eduction for you, numnuts. Don't make bomb threats when your name is Abdulrahman Khalid Althuwayb.

In a different situation Reymundo Rodriguez, 20, hopped onto the railway tracks and walked two miles into Jersey City before being arrested. When he was, he said he placed a bomb on the tracks. Further info suggested mental illness as he said Obama told him to do it. Four urban explorers were also arrested for trespassing in areas that should have better security.

But those are legitimate things to be worried about. The rest of today not so much. A pilot refused to fly with two imams on board. 4 people were arrested at Denver airport for filming the security line. A Dallas train was evacuated after a man was looking for help moving some large packages and a duffel bag. Chuck Schumer is looking at a 'do not ride" list for trains. The TSA is still talking about check points at malls and train stations. A SUV in the Bronx was investigated as a possible bomb as well as another one the night before. Lastly, there were two separate incidents of people trying to break down a cockpit door before being subdued.

That's a lot of panic for nothing. Imagine what will happen is something really does occur.

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