Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lies, Lies and God Help Me More Lies

We as a people seem to be touched by the liar bug lately as no one seems to tell the truth anymore or be concerned that we aren't. Shouldn't this be a bigger deal?

This week we watched DSK deny any sexual attack upon the hotel maid he allegedly forced himself on. I say allegedly only because he hasn't been convicted, but unlike the Duke rape case which seemed off from day one, this has all the hallmarks of a sexual predator with a history of doing just this. As seen in my earlier article which is now published on the website Commentistra, Ben Stein actually defended this piece of garbage with a worthless barrage of nonsense. I've watched his game show and found him to be an intelligent man. But with this latest in a string of buffoonery from Stein one has to wonder if he hasn't perhaps lost his mind a little.

Then we have Newt Gingrich who actually said something correct about Paul Ryan's healthcare option being awful and was pounced on by every Republican out there for daring to tell the truth. As a result, Newt backpedaled faster than if a Diet Coke had been placed in front of him. Voters tore him a new one, pundits ridiculed him and his chance of becoming President fell to near zero in just in one week. Scott Brown has wisely denounced the plan as well, mind you only after a lot of waffling about it. But that is a smart position to take because Ryan's plan was much less liked than Obamacare, regardless what the party faithful believe. One poll this week spelled disaster for Republicans anti-gay bias as, for the the first time, a majority of Americans support gay marriage. Tennessee has decided to propel themselves well into the 19th century but trying to pass a law that will allow discrimination against gay people. WTF? Listed here are companies on the Tennessee chamber of Commerce board: Nissan, FedEx, AT&T, Comcast, DuPont, Pfizer, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), Caterpillar, KPMG, Whirlpool, Embraer, Alcoa and United HealthCare. These companies should be held responsible should the law pass and boycotts should be done. Gay people are people. Tennesee lawmakers on the other hand?

Not to be outdone by all of this is TEPCO latest revelation that all three reactors are in meltdown in Japan and radiation is far worse than first thought. As our own government isn't telling us squat about radiation, extreme care should be taken on the West Coast and Idaho about rainfall, milk and local foods.

Lastly, since the Rapture didn't happen, the group that yelled to run for the hills say "oops our mistake. It's actually October 21st." Yeah right. If you see any of these mouthbreathers out and about predicting the end of the world, verbally assault them for being morons. Enough is enough.

When lies become commonplace, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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