I have read some of the most racist bullshit coming from social media sites, the MSM and, most shockingly, celebrities over the acquittal of George Zimmerman. This country needs a big tall glass of shut the fuck up. Let's see those runner ups.

1)The police- Another week, another round of police brutality. There have been so many over the past decade that a new book has been written, Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko. In it, the author goes into great detail how our police force has been militarized, mostly due to the ill fated War on Drugs which is chipping away all of our civil liberties in rapid fashion. Even some very liberal writers are starting to see the writing on the wall, and as a result, are changing their positions on gun control. This is why we have guns. Not to protect us from criminals but an out of control police force that acts like the military and is literally killing us in droves. This week, there was a major sex scandal in Lakeland, FL where a forensics specialist and raving nympho apparently had sex with most of the force, during work hours as well as after. According to her, some of the sex was even non consensual, ie rape, by her superiors who were more interested in having sex than doing their jobs. Many have been put on leave or fired as a result. Then there is the Albuquerque police force which is being investigated for destroying evidence in a murder involving a former police officer accused of killing his wife. Both the husband and wife were having affairs with other police officers and he killed her as result. The local cops destroyed evidence, changed testimony and did other underhanded things that have destroyed their reputation. In Yuma, Arizona, a man who refused to comply with an illegal checkpoint, had his window broken, dragged out of car, held for nine hours and then released without charges. Too bad for the police the whole thing was caught on tape. Guess who plans to sue? This type of bullshit is costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and needs to stop pronto. In the worst story of the week, Robyn Ruckman's home was invaded by a SWAT team in Pittsburgh. Her crime: her lawn wasn't mowed. The worst part is she only rents the home meaning she isn't even responsible for the upkeep outside. Once again the whole thing was caught on tape and lawsuits are expected. This shit is killing innocent people and animals, trampling on our civil rights and costing local, already strapped communities, lots of money. Demand more from your politicians in stopping this trend.
2)Texas- This week, the Texas legislature passed a draconian, anti-abortion bill which will close 90% of the states clinics and drive back women's rights a hundred years. So far, when these measures have passed in other states, like AL or MI, the courts have struck them down as unconstitutional. Texas is likely to follow and this idiocy makes the state turning more and more blue much more likely. The Republicans there are singlehandedly destroying themselves. Bravo.

3)KTVU- This Oakland TV station was made a laughing stock when the accidentally released several names from the most recent plane crash in San Fransisco and made the mistake of not reading them out loud first, which would have let them in on a bad joke made by a NTSB intern. The names read were Pilot Sun Ting Wong, Wi To Low, Ho Lee Fuk, and Bang Ding Ow. They had to apologize for the error which never should have happened in the first place had anyone there had a brain in their head.
4)Walmart- First, DC passed a new living wage law that would have forced Walmart to raise their pay to just over $12 an hour. When they balked at building new stores should the law pass, the DC politicians thumbed their nose at the Big Box store and told them to fuck off if they didn't like it. We need more people like that in Congress. Then, at the annual shareholders meeting, they packed the place with screaming, North Korea-like support for the giant retailer from employees. However, on an internal web site, the negatives were three to one, with many complaining about low pay, bad managers and dirty stores. They have not had a positive week which I find very funny. No one should be shopping there unless absolutely necessary.

5)The US and European governments- In response to the incredibly ill advised move to ground the Bolivian President's plane on blind suspicion about Ed Snowden being on board, several South American countries have retaliated against Europe in particular. Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay have recalled all of their ambassadors from Europe in response to what they call "a serious breach of protocol and diplomatic security." They went on say this:
The gravity of the incident - indicative of a neocolonial mindset - constitutes an unfriendly and hostile act, which violates human rights and impedes freedom of travel, as well as the treatment and immunity appropriate to a head of state,” the Mercosur nations affirmed in the joint statement.
The incident was further described as a “d
iscriminatory and arbitrary” decision by European countries, as well as a “
blatant violation of international law.”
What the United States government is seeking is to obstruct Edward Snowden’s bid to seek asylum. Not to get asylum, but to seek asylum,” Peter Tatchell, a human rights activist said. “
It has bullied and threatened and menaced other countries around the world to not grant him asylum and to not grant airspace so that a flight can take him to another country. That is a direct attack upon the United Nations’ refugee conventions, and it is shocking and appalling that a supposedly democratic government, in collusion with European governments - including the government in Britain - has been conspiring to not allow Mr. Snowden to make a valid asylum application.”
Way to make friends guys over something so insignificant. We and Europe stand to lose billions in trade deals that will instead go to Russia and China. It's not like Europe isn't in free fall economically or anything. This is the kind of mistakes that end countries when money desperately needed goes away. This nonsense has to stop.
6)Marco Rubio- Due to his idiotic stance on immigration, numnuts has plummeted from top of the heap for president in 2016 to fifth and dropping. It's not even close to the race and already he has to do damage control. However, the current top leader has his own problems to deal with now.

7)Rand Paul- Yes according to a recent poll, Paul leads the contenders for being the GOP candidate in 2016. However, a recent scandal may end all that before it even had a chance to start. One of his former associates, Jack Hunter, has recently been seen wearing confederate clothes, is openly calling for secession and even criticized Lincoln. Paul has tried to distance himself from the obvious racist but as there are countless pictures of them together, this bodes ill for any real campaign for president.
8)Republicans- The House will for the 38th time try to repeal Obamacare with the same results as the previous 37 times. Talk about the definition of insanity. The House also passed a Farm Bill that cuts crop insurance at a time when drought and claimed change are wrecking our agricultural system and set aside food stamps for another time, even though the Farm bill and food stamps are always together. The bill has no chance in the senate. The loan rate for students doubled this week, making cash strapped students owe even more for an increasingly worthless degree. These dicks can't be voted out of office soon enough.

9)The Zimmerman Prosecutors- Not only did they do a piss poor job trying a case they never should have tried in the first place, an IT whistleblower came forward with evidence that the defense never received over 2000 photos and text messages that painted Trayvon Martin as the thug wannbe he really was. The judge in the case will rule whether sanctions will be taken against them for failure to comply. These two are likely out of job any day now.

10)Social Media and MSM- First off, the media has spun this case into some racist wet dream than never occurred. CNN and others kept referring to Zimmerman as a "white Hispanic," a term that does not exist. We don't call Obama a white negro do we? Do we call someone half white and half Japanese, a white Asian? No. So why induct race into a place it has no purpose being. NBC was caught editing tapes that made Zimmerman seem racist. CNN released personal info, such as Social Security numbers, that have no place in such reporting. It's reminds me of the movie Tomorrow Never Dies where Bond baddie, Elliot Carver, tried to start WW3 so his newspaper can report on it. The media here seems to want a race war so their numbers increase. That is some devious shit if true. Then there is social media which has exploded with death threats against a man rightfully acquitted. No matter what you think of Zimmerman, there was not enough evidence to convict. Period. For once our justice system worked just fine, a rarity let me tell you. And then there are the celebrities out there, like Michael Jai White, literally threatening Zimmerman's life, to the unfunny midget Kevin Hart tweeting Zimmerman's address. How would you like it if I tweet your address to the Klu Klux Klan you racist? One site, ironically called the Knowledge Movement, published outright lies as fact, saying Zimmerman stalked, pursued and killed Martin as he was running away. I must have missed that in the trial because that never happened according to even the prosecution. And all this talk of riots is crap. White people didn't start burning down ghettos after OJ walked and that bastard really did kill his wife. A Hispanic guy shot and killed a black guy and was found innocent by an all female jury. How is any of that racism? Black people need to stop seeing everything as racial when sometimes it is just because they were assholes which occur in all races. We need to move on to much more important things like the imploding economy and a police force that is killing people of all races. So congratulation MSM and social media, you are indeed douchebag of the week.