Wednesday, October 13, 2010

America the Stupid

Proving my point on why I don't belive in democracy as a functional way of running things, a new poll has come out demonstrating that stupidity has run rampant in this country and that these are the morons who will vote us into a fascist dictatorship ala Weimar republic Germany all over again. According to a Bloomberg National poll, 50% are pessimistic about the future of the country and rightfully so. We are headed down a deep dark hole from which there is no return. Most of us, Republican or Democrat can see that. What is most shocking though is how some of us, a mojority in some cases, want that change to happen. While short term, three in five say things have gotten better, most people people feel it is a temporary fix. TARP has been vilified even though it cost far less than anticipated and may have indeed saved the housing market. Tax breaks for small busniess are also wanted and this is probably a good idea. Also a great idea is taxing the rich to higher levels and ignore the garabge over the jobs they create which is true if you live in China. What isn't great are the tea party ideas on how to allocate money which if implemeneted will end this counrty. A shocking amount of people want privatization of Medicare and Social Security, a horrific idea. If you want to end these programs let some for profit entity take them over. It has NEVER worked with government deregulation. NOT ONCE. I dare you to find any instance where this has worked. Airline deregulation equaled monopolies and worse conditions for flying. The once cheap flights and getting higher and higher due to lack of comeptition. Cable deregulation led to much higher rates. Banking dereulation led to the econmoic disater. The list goes on and on. And you want to turn over your health care and retirement over to people who will kill you over for a nickle? Brillant. They also want cuts to programs that pave roads, fix bridges and basically keep us alive. They want an end to unemployment benefits, unless they are out of work and then the positions shift. They also are asking for a curtailing of student loans beacuse who needs to go to college anyway. Douchebags. This is the nonsense we as a rational people are competing with, self described morons who have zero undertsanding of how things work. They are going to vote us into an Armageddon. Anyone voting Republican this year needs their head examined.

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