Thursday, October 6, 2011


More and more uprising are happening as we speak with the NYPD and Seattle police deciding who they beat and why. Two reporters were caught in a melee yesterday between protesters and police meaning the fascist pigs don't care who they hit or how hard. Sooner or later, someone is going to do something stupid and the whole country is going to erupt. Worse off are the giant douchebags patrolling the Internet, or voicing the worthless opinions on the 24 hour news cycles. Here's some tips for anyone thinking about mouthing off in public.


We are THE 99. There are more of us than are of you. Stop calling protesters worthless, lazy hippies who need to get a job. Great idea numnuts, excpt there are no jobs. It isn't the 1960's, heck it's not even the nineties, when jobs could be gotten for anyone who wanted one. But they don't exist except in your head. And the ones that do, don't pay anything. I understand people without a college degree having to do some sort of labor for a paycheck but that doesn't mean they should starve or that a recent grad should have to take a minimum wage job that won't ever help him pay back that loan. Jobs need to be plentiful and they need to pay a livable wage.

For all you troll monkeys out there bitching, SHIT THE F UP! No one cares about your opinion because obviously you have the mental ability of a three year old. Remember all those loyalists pledging support to Qaddafi or Assad or whatever dictator du jour was spouting about. YOU ARE THOSE PEOPLE! And how did it turn out for them? Oh yeah, they were lynched in the street.

We are THE 99. We do not forget. We do not forgive. Choose a side and choose wisely because we are watching. If you side with corporations you will be labeled the enemy. When the revolution comes, and it is, which side do you want be on? The one desperately trying to hold onto power or the side with the numbers that are angry enough to make change happen? Be cautious speaking your mind in public. If I or any others hear you talk about lazy, hippie protesters, don't be surprised if it's the last thing you ever say. It's all well on good on the faceless Internet. It's a whole other matter to say it to some one. The masses have spoken. THE 99 have spoken.

End corporate rule and give us back our Constitutional rights. If we don't stand up to the trolls and idiot media, we will all suffer.

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