Monday, June 18, 2012


When I went to bed eight hours ago, the biggest news was the win of New Democracy in the Greek elections. Mind you, the pro-austerity party has only kicked the can down the road for at best a few months before total collapse becomes inevitable, but hey, it's something at least resembling good news. So off to bed I went, happy that nothing disastrous would happen today now that economic Armageddon would be put off for another day. Boy, was I wrong. Yes, economic Armageddon may have been adverted but the rest of the world went to hell in a hand basket at the same time.

Let's start with the fact that in the Egyptian elections, the Muslim Brotherhood won, alarming everyone planet wide. Why you ask? Because they advocate the destruction on Israel, ending the peace that has kept stability in the region for forty years and will send US/Egypt relations into the toilet. Wasting no time, a terrorist attack has already been reported on the border with Israel, causing them to send tanks for the first time in decades. Rockets are also being fired from the Gaza Strip and Israel is taking notice. The area is destabilizing and may continue to do so.

Add to that the fact that Russia is sending warships with anti aircraft batteries to Syria and you have a real mess on our hands. The US has already threatened to board any ship delivering the attack helicopters  now on their way to Syria, as a blatant disregard for UN sanctions agreed upon and in place. How the Russians will react to a foreign power boarding the ships is a good guess of badly. The Middle East is wildly out of control and with peace talks all but dead in Moscow between Iran and the West, war seems very likely and soon.

But wait, there's more. Weather reports show a class 5 Typhoon headed straight for the nuclear plant at Fukushima. Nothing better for a disabled nuclear plant still spilling radiation than a huge typhoon. A direct hit could spread radiation across the nation and even world wide.

And then we have the Euro crisis which is still going red hot. Yes, the Greek elections prevented a meltdown today, but nothing has been solved and both Spain and Greece are set to go bankrupt sometime in July. The austerity measures that have been presented will not work, mainly because they never have in history and the Greeks are in for even more suffering. Spain is deteriorating faster and faster and even Italy is showing signs of default. Certain French banks declared holidays on Friday as their cash supplies dried up, a horrific sign of things to come. The Euro is ultimately doomed unless radical steps are taken, which they won't because it would result in significant losses form the banks and the world elite. So things look bad, very bad as a matter of fact, with the only bit of good news is that the Greek exit polls were within the margin of error meaning they were actually fair elections. I wish we could say the same in the banana republic called America.

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