Wednesday, June 20, 2012


CNN stopped being a news channel I am guessing about the same time Ted Turner left. In the past week, they hit a new low when suggesting that marijuana has 70% more cancer causing agents than nicotine. As I said in yesterday's post, I have never seen one scientific document to support this theory from any reputable source. There are many sham studies which I am sure CNN used without ever doing anything requiring research as to their validity, but that is the way news operates today. Lie about everything, convince Idiot America it's correct and damn the consequences. But what about studies that show nicotine causes cancer? Turns out, they are just as bad.

As someone with a science degree, I can assure you, half of just about every scientific study nowadays is filled with junk science either to placate their corporate masters or by just being a lousy scientist. Cancer studies have been, without a doubt, some of the worst I have ever seen. In twenty years of research that I have seen, not one reasonable study shows that second smoke causes cancer. Yes, I am sure that if you work or live in a place filled to the rafters with smoke, cancer may be a possibility but randomly inhaling a small whiff of nicotine on the beach is not going to send you to the cancer ward ever. It is because of these sham studies that those of you out there who do smoke have been reduced to second hand citizens, huddling for warmth in some dank alley as people glare at the drug addicts you are now compared to. This on top of the fact that taxes on cigarettes have been raised so much you need a bank loan to buy a pack, raises serious questions as to how free a country we really are. But what about studies done on cigarettes themselves? Turns out, they suck just as bad.

In a new study from Nature magazine, an amazing 88% of the 53 landmark case studies on cancer research appear to be fraudulent. In trying to repeat a vast majority of these studies, the results cannot be reproduced, meaning they are not true.

The former head of global cancer research at Big Pharma company, Amgen, was unable to replicate 47 of the 53 studies, suggesting many scientists are fabricating their results for economic reasons as their grant money depends on it. A similar study done in 2009 from the University of Michigan came up with the same conclusion, finding that many cancer studies were a conflict of interest that favored results that worked best for drug companies rather than people. Imagine that, Big Pharma is more interested in profits that public health. Who knew? Everyone, that's who.

This same level of junk science has been found in many Big Pharma research projects where inconsistencies are being found in many other papers on Parkinson's, MS and other neurodegenerative diseases. The end result is Big Pharma is pushing out drugs that not only don't work but may actually harm the patient. Scientists working for Bayer wrote a paper in 2011 called Believe it or Not in which they published data that showed the drugs they were working on could not be replicated to actually do what Bayer said they did.

So much like the news, any scientific study needs to be looked at very carefully because most of it appears to be bunk. This is why we need a national center for science that can actually deduce whether any of these studies actually work because "peer review" certainly isn't working and most of these are way to complicated for the average Joe to understand. This is exactly why trust in just about everything has diminished to zero. Do you trust the government? The banks? Your lawyer? And now your doctor? This is why people have been not vaccinating their kids (a stupid thing by the way as no study has ever shown a correlation between the two and not the junk science ones the detractors scream about) and pills are making us sicker rather than helping.

Corporate money needs to be taken out of health care, politics and science. The end result is a sickly society no longer being looked after but farmed. The global warming debate has been eviscerated by these junk studies saying "don't worry, it's not really getting warmer out." Meanwhile I sit here on the first day of summer in 100 degree heat after a winter that never happened and weather that breaks world records every day. Science needs to be about the research and not a huge grant from some multi-national conglomerate with an ax to wield. We should all be worried about this is it is having major ramifications on out health and freedom.

On a side note, I would also like to slam the MSM for poo pooing the idea that there was no way those Russian attack helicopters would ever reach Syria. Turns out I was right, AGAIN, when the British cancelled their insurance forcing them back to port. There was no way those copters were reaching Syria and the MSM showed their ignorance again as to what is really going on in the world.

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