Thursday, June 21, 2012


Obama's numbers are sliding in some keys states, with Michigan now in play which defies all reason as, has the GOP been in command, Detroit would be a smouldering ruin by now. But the numbers show a definitive decline and it's cases like this that are NOT helping.

Eric Holder has been an abject disaster as Attorney General, which seems to be a prerequisite for the position because I have to go back to Bobby Kennedy to find anyone who could at least do their job half assed at best. Reno, Ashcroft, Gonzales and now Holder are not exactly names you want to be associated with when it comes to efficiency and moral turpitude. How is it possible for us to get worse with each secession? Alberto Gonzales was such a sleaze and fucktard that I literally thought it impossible to get any lower on the stupid scale. I was wrong.

Since Holder has taken over we have seen an increase, AN INCREASE, in the failed War on Drugs, particularly against pot dispensaries, which Obama promised he would never do if elected. Way to look like a a pathological liar, Mr. President because your track record on campaign promises is pretty low. Almost zero in fact.

But the Fast and Furious probe is another matter entirely. In what can only be described as a Loony Tunes attempt on gun running, the Justice Department let thousands of guns go to the drug cartels in order to "track them." They then of course lost them because the tracking devices on the guns had  a limited battery supply and once drained, could not be found. The guns then wound up in the hands of drug runners who then shot police officers and border agents, killing at least one.

Needless to say, Congress was rightfully pissed about this and demanded answers. Holder hummed and hawed and eventually gave the documents the committee head, Darryl Issa (R-NY) demanded. The only problem was 90% of the material were redacted and looked like black paper and stalling more than an explanation. Issa waited months for Justice to reply and eventually threatened Contempt charges. Obama has now stepped in and used executive privilege as a cover. The only problem is, this is NOT where that can or even should be used.

Contrary to the Democrats cries of witch hunt, which let's face it almost every demand made by the idiot GOP is, do not apply here. The GOP, for the first time in a long while, actually have a case and those documents should be handed over and has now set the stage for an argument over Presidential power, one that Obama may indeed lose.

Now, to be fair, other President's have used this excuse in the past and this is Obama's first time using it since getting into office. The question remains whether this was the best time to use it. The GOP is going to hammer Obama on this and with good cause. Congress should be allowed to see how this operation was set up, was it as poorly planned as thought and, if Holder approved it, he should be fired because this was a terrible plan from the start. Conspiracy theorists have a case that the government is covering up involvement with drug running and Mexican drug cartels, something I have been writing about since the eighties with the CIA dumping crack into inner cities and troops being used to protect drug shipments, both facts.

This could turn out to be Obama's Watergate moment if he continues down this path and could hurt his election chances. Holder should have been fired months ago and it is stunning to see this level of loyalty to someone dragging him down. Nixon went down, not because he ordered the break in at the Watergate Hotel, but for covering it up afterward. By protecting Holder, he may be making the exact same mistake. This WILL cost him votes that are rapidly moving away from him and may even lead to impeachment charges. Joy. But unlike Clinton whose hearings where complete bunk, the GOP actually has something this time. It seems like everytime Obama gets ahead (gay rights, Latino immigration changes), he does something equally stupid right after (pot arrests up, shotgun ban, Holder excuses) that makes people not like him, particularly his base.

The Democrats are screaming WITCH HUNT at their top of their lungs, not realizing that this isn't and the American people can see it isn't. Even Jon Stewart on the Daily Show last night said as much and they are not a right leaning news show by any means. Nancy Pelosi said the real reason for the attacks by the GOP is Holder going after voter suppression in states like FL. I'm sure they hate him for it but the real reason is that Holder is not complying with Congress in an area he really should and hiding behind Executive Privilege here is a giant mistake. The GOP has their first wedge issue of Titanic proportions and we all know they are going hammer that iceberg into ice cubes when they get done.

This is going to get ugly, and for once, Obama is on the losing side. Put out the documents now and let the chips fail where they may which will probably mean Eric Holder's resignation which should have been asked for a long time ago and all of this would have gone away. The police chief in the Zimmerman case was fired for incompetence in how the Trayvon Martin case was handled. Come November, so might you Mr. President.

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