Wednesday, June 23, 2010


With the senate locked in a hopeless debate over the future of unemployment in this country, revolution looms large. Videos are popping up now explaining how mad they are. With Medicare and State budgets tied into this bill, this is what we get to look forward too in the upcoming weeks. Several towns have disbanded their police force, cut back on all services, laid off teachers and firefighters and this is just the beginning. When unemployment runs out next weeks for EVERYONE, this country is going to burn. I recommend anyone living in a major city make plans to get out should thing go the way they are headed. Riots are going to break out in large populated areas soon and with fewer police, this is not going to end well. Tie this with the anger over the gulf and governments and big business unwillingness to do much of anything to stop it is going to drive some over the edge. Senators should take notice at this as sooner or later they are going to take the brunt of this and probably not a peaceful or even helpful kind of way. I do not want this to happen. I do not wish death upon even the worst senator. But I feel that as they are not listening anymore, some nutbag is going to explain it to them in a very ugly way.
To make matters worse, Iran, Turkey and Lebanon are still sending ships to break the blockade. Whether this means they will try to attack the Navy or merely dock in Egypt and move the goods through the open Gaza crossing is still open to debate. These countries still seem to want a war so their actions cannot be accurately predicted. I hope for peace but am becoming more and more concerned with the idicocy going on here. The rest of the world has said to stop, including most of the Muslim world whose hold on sanity seems to be greater then the three countries mentioned above. As predicted in an earlier post, tensions have now flamed up in Kasmir as well with the deaths of three Muslim teenagers by Indian security forces giving us the 1999 trifecta all over again.
Anger is spreading world wide and all it will take now is one Gavic Princip, the man who single-handedly started WW1 and WW2 by assassinating Archduke Ferdinand could be at hand. One lone Muslim bomber or trigger happy nutbag doing the wrong thing at the wrong time and WW3 is on. At no time in the past 11 years have thing s been so perilous.
The sun is also acting strangely. Sunspot activity has all but stopped, making scientists scratch their heads as to why. Most scientists worry about a major build up of sun storm activity in 2012-2013, possibly leading to a life ending event. Best case scenario is power outages lasting a few days. Medium case scenario is no power for months or years. Worst case, all life on planet ends. All of these are possible as proven by some of the best minds on the subject such as Michio Akako, a theoretical physicist from MIT, and Dr. Hensen, Obama's science advisor, of NASA. While some have also speculated that the sunspot inactivity could also continue bringing on a new ice age, these seem more fanciful than realistic. But the sun is acting odd which makes think of Revelation from the Bible which says in the final days we will see strange signs from the heavens and the oceans will run red with blood, the same color the Gulf is now and could spread all over the Atlantic, especially after the first hurricane which thankfully hasn't formed yet. but that is only a matter of time.

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