Friday, June 25, 2010


There is an old cartoon that seems very relevant right now. In it, a couple walks down the street. An old man in a robe and long white beard carries a sign that says "THE END IS NEAR." One guy looks at the other and says "Remember when that was funny." It's not anymore.
Republicans have sunk the country. ANYONE voting republican is a traitor to this country and should be dealt with accordingly. The amount of damage they have done is staggering and continues to get worse. This is not to say that Democrats are saints either. But at least they are attempting to do something for the average joe, albeit a small pittance, but something is better than nothing, which is what we are getting. Unemployment has run out for millions and will add on 200,000-500,000 a week. A WEEK. The economy is GOING to collapse unless something is done. The message boards are ripe with righteous anger and the words guns and revolution are being mentioned a lot. The bill also contained aid to states and tax breaks for business (the tax hikes for big business was one of the sticking points for Repubs which tells you whose side they are on), and as a result businesses are going to fail, layoffs could total in the millions, and foreclosures are going to skyrocket. As states have been forced to eliminate aid to the poor, Medicare and health insurance subsidies, and salaries for teachers, police and firefighters, every town in the country is less safe due to the sheer incompetence of the Republican party. The Dems compromised on everything they could and the assholes still said NO. I advise people to be very aware of their surroundings now. Crime is going to skyrocket and getting a gun is probably a good idea for self protection. Losing police however may not be that bad idea. The time has come to end this outdated notion of a police force and replace it with town constables with much less power and authority. Case in point, calling the police can sometimes be a very bad idea. Now overstocked with gung ho morons, these trigger happy stun gun nuts are behaving more and more like the SS of old. In OK recently, ten pigs busted into an 86 year old woman's house after her grandson called to request assistance for the woman who was having trouble breathing. After the grandmother attacked them by sitting up in an "aggressive manner," they tasered her twice, cut off her oxygen and hauled her off to a psyche ward for six days. A lawsuit was filed in Federal court which will probably be settled out of court. Be careful calling the cops for any reason. They cannot be trusted anymore. With more deaths happening from cops using stun guns for any reason whatsoever, due cation should be taken when dealing with them. Never be hostile towards them unless they give you absolutely no choice.
So as not to just vilify Republicans for their utter idiocy, Dems this week also showed their fascist side by setting up new bank rules that may look good on paper, and indeed do have a few good points, but like most of their current regulations contain language designed to give broad new powers to the Fed. A consumer protection agency will be housed within the Fed rather than independent for scruinty. As the Fed is in part responsible for the econmic mess, I fail to see this as a good idea. A Senate commitee has also approved Joe "droopy" Leiberman's bill of giving the president the ability to shut off the internet for up to four months in a crisis. This would be tatamount to a decalartion of war on the american people and should it ever be used, revolution WILL be impleimented, starting with the politicians and big business leaders screwing us.
As if all that wasn't bad enough, a new Gaza flotilla launched from Lebanan, still at war with Isreal, will reach theit on the 30th. One flottilla has nothing but women and nuns on it (yeah right) and the other "pecae activists." This is a recipe for war, one that will be coming soon as the world is going to have to try to distract the growing number of people aware of their thefts and subjecgation. The end is near and no it's not funny. Prepare.

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