Saturday, November 19, 2011


Having watched the MSM piss all over the Occupy Wall St crowd without mercy on just about every network which inevitably leads to the question: "Where is this left wing media you speak of because it certainly isn't obvious to anyone with a brain?" Trust me we'll get everyone involved, including OWS, in this rapidly devolving country in this week's column.

1)The Tea Party- A glimmer of hope was restored to me as Tea Party members and the Occupy Wall St crowd met in Memphis with the hopes of talking out the differences. The startling part is that they suddenly both realized that a lot of them had similar goals, such as hating the bank bailouts, wanting higher taxes for millionaires and ending government corruption, all noble causes. But the central sticking point was who was to blame. The Tea Party contends corporations are our savior from an out of control government where the OWS bunch say government is the only way to regulate companies better. It basically broke down to a tastes great/less filling argument. The funny part is that they are both right. As our country is now a fascist collective, government and corporations are one and the same. Only by getting corporate money out of the system and restore our politicians to some degree of sanity do we have any hope of being saved.

That being said, The Tea Party is the most fickle bunch of losers I've ever seen. You guys latch on to whatever idiot candidate the GOP sets up for failure and you salivate over them until you realize that they are just as big a douche as Obama is. Think about it, Trump, he's up, he's down. Then Bachmann. Then Perry. Then Cain. And now......

2)Presenting Newt Gingrich whose shelf life began to expire months ago. Do you really want a dick president who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Yes, Gingrich actually said, he only took money from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae for historical perspective. Nice to know that the government is wasting money on a fat blowhard like you to give us information any idiot with a laptop could convey. They used you like a lobbyist and called you a "consultant" instead. We're not so stupid you fat, fat bastard. Go blow across Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, divorce another wife from her deathbed (that's class), and explain to me how your career hasn't been one failure after another. GO AWAY FAT MAN.

3)OWS- Yes even the OWS crowd is starting to get me irritated with their hippie nonsense which didn't play well back in the eighties, where it was decades out of date, any better than now. Could we please stop with all the nonsense that demands and leadership are not what you are about. One schmuck actually said, "We don't give demands because that's what terrorist's do." No, demands are given by everyday people when they want something. You can demand a raise at work, you can demand the city fix a pothole that's killing cars, demands about anything don't make you a terrorist. And it is time for you guys to stop acting like the MSM wants you to appear and get serious. Make some serious demands like. "We want a 5% tax on all Wall Street transactions," or "We want salaries of corporations tied to stock performance." If the stocks do well everyone gets a raise. If it's not, no bonuses for the upper tier and smaller cuts for those below. It's not rocket science. You can't occupy a space forever with no clear solution out. It's called the Bush Doctrine and look how well that's worked.

4)MSM- These idiots this week have done everything they can to demonize the protesters with little regard for the idiot mayors and fascist police doing things, ILLEGALLY. The fourth estate is supposed to be the watchdog that protects us from government or corporate malfeasance, not help them. That's what the Nazi's did. And we are seeing more and more signs that our country is becoming a police state where the rule of law no longer matters.

Poor Richards Blog wrote this:

Early reporting was scant, dismissive, and offensive. Much still belittles, denigrates and marginalizes a significant movement.
Fox News claims protesters don’t pay taxes or know what they want, are supported by Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei and Hugo Chavez, and represent the lunatic left wing.
Bill O’Reilly quipped, “Do we have all kinds of crackheads down there.” He added that Zuccotti Park is “dirty and filthy. There’s rats running all over. There’s dope all over the place. They’re having sex outside at night and all of this stuff.”
Fox News reporter Charles Gasparino accused protesters of embracing “communism and there is no doubt about it.”
New York Times former executive editor Bill Keller ignored global activism in a column about “good news,” asking, “Bored by the soggy sleep-ins and warmed-over anarchism of Occupy Wall Street?”
Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer called protesters “indignant indolents saddled with their $50,000 student loans and English degrees (wanting to) “eat the rich.”
Despite occasional better reporting, much resembles Telegraph writer Nile Gardiner’s article about “the decline and fall of Occupy Wall Street,” saying:
It’s “been an act of desperation by the liberal Left, which now represents a small minority of Americans in terms of ideology. (It’s) descended into anarchy. (It’s) an anachronism, a wannabe 1960s-style protest movement in an America that has moved on.”
“And it is above all a symbol of a Left in decline amidst an increasingly conservative nation that has had enough of the kind of big government, anti-free market policies the liberal protesters crave.”

The MSM is asleep at the wheel, controlled fully by the same corporate masters we all now serve. Politics isn't about picking the right person anymore but instead some awful reality show where now goes homes for months and the person who ultimately wins is actually the biggest loser. So congratulations MSM you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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