Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Are Republicans so afraid of Mitt Romney and his possible left leaning ways that they are willing to sacrifice the next election to spite him? Judging by the roller coaster poll numbers of just about every other candidate it would certainly seem so. The GOP has become the fickle nitpicker who can never stay in a relationship because there is always some flaw to exploit. Bachmann, too nutty. Perry, too stupid. Cain, too grabby and too stupid. And now Gingrich, the abusive boyfriend you can't seem to quit.

Are these really the people you want debating Obama come fall? For all of you thinking Gingrich is a good debater, I don't think you actually know what entails a good debate. Judging by the lower denizen reaction by the Republican crowd in every debate so far, I don't think I'm that far off. Gingrich is an angry blowhard who's sole response to any question is to tell the reporters how stupid they are for asking such a ridiculous question and then repeating a discredited talking point that is so see through his podium actually turned transparent. I would love to see a reporter at any debate ask a meaningful follow up question rather than allowing any candidate spew false info to a mass audience. Especially Gingrich whose negative ratings among non-republicans are somewhere between hemorrhoids and letting Jerry Sandusky watch your kids.

As someone who has watched every debate so far, the same thing happens every time. Front runner Mitt Romney acts as the only adult in the room, as the others squabble like spoiled children, yet he is the only one who's polls have remained stubbornly consistent. Former front runner and comedy creator extraordinaire, Rick Perry makes people wonder everywhere how do people like Perry and Palin actually get elected? Do they have some secret mind power that makes people not see them for the fools they are? If I lived in Texas or Alaska, I would be embarrassed at having these two dolts running the show, and poorly at that. Palin quit after half her term as governing actually requires work and Perry's numbers on obesity, education and low wage job growth in Texas speak for themselves.

Bachmann was always the flash in the pan she was going to be because crazy talk doesn't resonate too well outside of the Tea Party or Minnesota. Really who is actually voting for this woman? And now Herman Cain is the latest to slide, as he was always going to, thanks to the bravery of several women who have come forward to accuse Cain of attempted rape. His numbers with women have dropped dramatically. Good. It is also worth noting that for all his business expertise he keeps toting, Godfather Pizza was driven into the ground under his two year reign. The company was estimated at 306 million dollars when he took over as CEO. Two years later, he bought the company for thirty million. Let alone the fact that Cain at the helm, eliminated thousands of jobs and closed 200 outlets, his decisions obviously hurt the profitability of the company to such a point that he and his cronies were able to buy it out form Pillsbury. By the way Godfather Pizza sucks as well. And this is the guy the teatards thought would "restore" America. Sigh.

Now comes Newt Gingrich, a guy so grumpy and hostile that his name almost has the word grinch in it. Do you honestly think America is ready for its first dick president? I don't. And neither do all the moderates and independents who loathe the man. His unfavorable rating would make Congress blush.

So who's left after Gingrich mania wears itself out, which it inevitably will after Newt bashes heads one too many times during a debate. Rick Santorium maybe? Not unless the GOP has completely lost his mind as this guy needs a straight jacket fast. Ron Paul? He will always be a fringe candidate in the GOP but might do very well as a third party runner. Huntsman? Way to sane for the nutty right. All that's left is Romney who's going to be your prom date whether you like it or not. He's also the only guy who has any chance of beating Obama in 2012. If he actually gets the chance from all the idiots around him.

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