Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Anyone still bitching and moaning about the "unwashed, uninformed" Occupy Wall St crowd (that exist en mass in cyberspace if the message boards are to be believed), need to get their Nazi uniform washed stat because fascism is here and its not going anywhere.

The stormtroopers have united and Occupy camps across the country are being dismantled by force. Portland, Oakland, Salt Lake and New York City have all dismantled camps in a constitutional showdown. Using the safety words "unsanitary," "drugs everywhere," and "crime," not to mention "cost to the city," have made these mayors make some very dangerous choices. Worse, Homeland Security has been revealed to have been helping coordinate the removal of the protesters. What we have here is the first instance of the awful Patriot Act that was forced through Congress after 9/11 coming back to haunt us. The government assured us it would only be used against Terrorist, particularly Muslims. Now, as I and many others predicted, these same laws are being used to stifle dissent.

And now the Nazi trolls patrol the Internet, eager to post their idiocy about the commies, socialists or hippies and how they are the ones destroying America because they're too lazy to work. Here's the thing morons, THERE ARE NO JOBS. Not anything that pays at least. Half this country makes less than 26,500 dollars a year. Try living off that with a family. Not possible. Even if you're married and both of you work and make that as your salary, you will be too poor to buy a house, a new car, new furniture, nothing. All your cash will go to rent, food, insurance and gas. Hate to break it all you brain powers out there but 50,000 dollars a year isn't enough for a single person to live off of let alone a whole family.

Our wages are falling, our hours are increasing and more and more of us don't have access to health care because it becoming unaffordable to all but the rich. Thank god I live in MA where health care is granted to everyone. If I didn't live here, I'd be dead by now as my serious health problems would go untreated. Obamacare is a failure for only one reason: no public option. As someone who worked in the insurance industry I can tell you, MA has one of the best health programs in the country and it does not weeks to see your private practitioner as has been commonly misreported. My dentist takes longer to book than my GP. And Obamacare has nothing to do with the loss of GP's, but crushing medical debt and malpractice insurance are as interns go into high paying specialities rather than the much lower paid GP's.

The Know Nothing Republican party has got to either start reading a book every now and then not connected with the loony right or grab one of their many guns, put it in their mouth and shoot themselves. Either one is fine with me.

Tomorrow, a huge rally is being planned for New York. I expect this one to get violent but I have been very impressed with the non-violent attitude these protesters, young and old by the way, have behaved. But there is also only so far you can push people before they start to push back. And we are coming dangerously close to that. JFK wrote, "When peaceful protest in impossible, violent revolution is inevitable." Words to live by as our fascist government rears its ugly head. We need to put a stop to this madness. Hopefully a Gandhi-like approach will work. If not the Reign Of Terror may return and any French noble person remembers that didn't turn out so well for them.

We are THE 99. We do not forgive. We do not forget.

Fear us.

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