Saturday, November 5, 2011


This was a close one between Herman Cain and the people who support him. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Oakland Police and Mayor- These idiots are perhaps the most inept group of public officials since the Keystone Cops. First Jean Quan has tried to have her cake and eat it too by confessing solidarity with the protesters one minute and then brutally attacking them the next. Even the Oakland police is understandably confused as to what their stance should be since Captain Brainless speaks out of both sides of her mouth. GO AWAY WOMAN! On the flip side, the Oakland police this week injured ANOTHER military man, an Army Ranger, beating him senseless, throwing him into a cell and leaving him untended for eighteen hours before he started to cough up blood and was rushed to the emergency room for internal injuries. Where is the Justice Department with the blatant overuse of force? Nowhere as usual. Eric Holder and man-bitch Janet Napalitano are destroying this country. End fascism today.

2)Anti-war Israeli leakers- Someone within the Israeli military has leaked critical info that an attack planned for Iran is currently underway. Regardless of how you feel about such an attack (I am torn myself as doing nothing or attacking both suck) you never tell the enemy what you are doing putting your nation's lives at risk. I'm sorry if you disagree with the plan, and I understand why, but this is not the way to do it. They are going to track done the leak and I suspect make things very unpleasant for those individuals. War is supposedly coming before October of next year. It is unlikely we will do anything until the Spring, with March being the most likely. However, if it's just going to be missile attacks, possibly even mini nukes, the attack could take place as soon as early January. Recent diplomatic moves coupled with the UK saying they will help in any attack, make this a very real
possibility. More as this evolves.

3)Judges- This week we say a family court judge whip his disabled daughter with a belt repeatedly. He will not be charged or even removed from his post. WTF? Also, Jesse Ventura's suit against the TSA was thrown out for the flimsiest of reasons. He has threatened to move to Mexico or run for President. I hope the latter actually as I think this guy could be a real boon for this country. He won't be bought by special interests and would drive corruption out of Washington. He may be out there but he's a lot less loony than the current GOP candidates running.

4)Herman Cain supporters- Proving that some people are really too stupid to live, half of Iowan supporters of Herman Cain think his 999 plan will lower their taxes, which it won't. Unless you make over a hundred thousand a year that is. The last thing this country needs is a CEO president, especially one as brainless as Herman Cain. If he somehow gets the nom, which I still think is highly unlikely, get ready for four more years of Obama because no way does that guy win the Presidency.

5)Herman Cain- Showing how hypocritical the GOP is, this week many said the allegations against him for sexual harassment were not important. These are the same mouth breathers that went ballistic when Clinton got his dick sucked in the White House. And Cain himself has changed his story so many times that no one knows what to believe. Even if the allegations don't matter, how he handles them does and he failed miserably. He sounded like Rick Perry during a debate. This loser needs to go away and soon. So congratulation Herman Cain you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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