Sunday, January 8, 2012


A real no brainer this week. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Iran- It's like they want to die and take everyone with them. Never, and I mean never, have I seen a country ask to be annihilated. This past week they threatened the US and Israel with war should they do the unthinkable like sending warships through the Straits if Hormuz, bragged about starting a nuclear weapons program while denying of their existence (talk about speaking out of both side of your mouth), and then to top it all off, said the US rescue of their own people from Somali pirates was a staged event. Yeah, right. These guys are asking to be wiped from the face of the earth and if they keep doing what they are doing, it will be sooner than later.

2)Tim Tebow- I am sick and tied of people wearing their religion on their sleeve. I have no problem with people being religious. I have a serious problem when you force your idiotic beliefs on others. Tim Tebow is getting on my nerves.

3)GOP debates- I used to say there were not enough debates in the past. This is clearly a case of careful what you wish for. There were two debates this weekend within twelve hours of itself. I can summarize the whole thing. Romney- I am going to win because my competition is terrible. Paul-If my foreign policy ideas weren't so out of whack with the GOP I might have had a chance. Gingrich- Bitch and moan about negative ads and the liberal media bias and then blast away at my rivals in the exact same way. Perry- Duh. Huntsman-Say something smart and be ignored because he is a Mormon. Santorum- I hate gay people. Thank God they are over.

4)George Stephonpolos- Worse. Newsman. Ever. His questions in the debate rivaled his equally idiotic attempt four years ago during the democratic debates. Contraception is not being banned anywhere and Ron Paul had nothing to do with the smear campaign against Huntsman or with the racist pamphlets put out twenty years ago with his name on it. Terrible things ae actually happening in this country and this the best questions you could come up with. Even Diane Sawyer looked annoyed.

5)Mother Nature- Last week hundreds of records were broken as warm temperatures soared across the nation. North Dakota was warmer than Miami Florida with temperatures in the seventies. In North Dakota. In January. One day saw over a hundred records broken. The next day over two hundred. But Global warming isn't occurring. Right.

6)Rick Santorum- Considering his last name is Latin for asshole, this should not be a surprise for anyone how has watched this evil man speak. Booed of the stage in NH this week, he is looking at a crushing loss after the worthless Iowa vote. Do people in Iowa have any sort of education or do we just dump the retarded and slow there ad say make a life for yourself? This man is a big business, ultra religious nutbag who would cripple this country if by some fluke he actually became president. Religion is not a part of politics and should never be. I am not for another Taliban/Mullah run like christian state. If that is your goal, feel free to relocate to an island off the coast some where and leave the rest of us alone. Your religious bullshit is getting on my nerves and this comes from someone with decades of religious studies and catholic school and who feels the Bible and other religious books hold the key to salvation. Too bad no one seems to read those parts and focuses on the "I hate X" part. So congratulation Rick and people of Iowa who voted for him. You are indeed douchebag of the week.

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