Sunday, January 15, 2012


A shockingly douchebag free week for the most part. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Captain of the Consta Concordia and Carnival Cruise Lines- For anyone wishing to relieve those magic moments when the Titanic sink, their wish was granted had they been aboard the ill fated Italian cruise liner that hit a rock off the coast shortly after departure. As the ship sank, the captain hightailed it to higher ground, passengers be damned. What a coward.

The captain, Francesco Schettino, gave the order to abandon the ship as it was miles off course and then took off in a lifeboat. The captain and the ship's first officer Ciro Ambrosio had both been detained in custody. The ship had apparently approached the waterway the wrong way and had struck a reef on its left hand side causing it to take in a tremendous amount of water very quickly. The captain fled the ship immediately as passengers remained on board for several more hours until rescuers were able to get all aboard off. To make matters worse, no one seemed to know what to do and chaos was rampant. Carnival's going to get the bejesus sued out of them for while the responsibility for abandoning ship was the Captain's alone, the lack of preparation for a disaster is the cruise lines. Expect this to get ugly in terms on settlements.

2)Rick Santorum- I loathe this dick. I hate anti-gay sentiment and he reeks of it. Plus his sweater vests are kind of gay. Just saying.

3)Newt Gingrich- Oh how the mighty have fallen. With his oh so pleasant personality I'm surprised it took him this long to fall off the charts. He'll be done after Tuesday, along with everyone not named Santorum or Paul. Good. Tell the fat bastard to go home and stay there. We don't like him.

4)Tim Tebow- Okay, he's not exactly a douchebag other than the fact he is WAY too religious for his own good, but it was good to see my favorite team, The New England Patriots, rip Tebow a new one. He was way out of his league and I guess Jesus must have bet big on Brady because other than a stupid interception, he was magic all night. Go Patriots for hopefully another Super Bowl win.

5)Haley Barbour- This soon to be former Governor of Mississippi granted full pardons or clemency to about 200 people, including convicted shoplifters, rapists, burglars, and embezzlers — plus 14 murderers. The roster included several high-profile convicts, including socialite Karen Irby and Earnest Scott Favre, older brother of retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre, both convicted of DUI-related deaths.
Barbour, a former Republican National Committee chairman who almost ran for president last year, says the uproar is overblown, since 90 percent of the people pardoned were already out of prison. “The pardons were intended to allow them to find gainful employment or acquire professional licenses as well as hunt and vote,” Barbour said. Great, just what people want, ex-cons with access to guns. In Mississippi. This guy's political career just ended with a solid thud.

Most of the hoopla is about 26 convicts in particular. Of particular concern are these four, David Gatlin, Joseph Ozment, Charles Hooker, and Anthony McCray. All were convicted murders serving life sentences, but had been working as “inmate trustees” at the governor’s mansion, a privilege granted for good behavior. State Attorney General Jim Hood told CNN that Barbour had violated the Mississippi Constitution by failing to give the public 30 days’ notice before these criminals were pardoned. State law also requires governors to notify victims and their families in advance of a pardon, to give them time to comment. “He’s tried to rule the state like Boss Hogg,” Hood tells CNN, “and didn’t think the law applied to him."

People are understandably pissed. So congratulations Haley Barbour, you are indeed douchebag of the week.


  1. What about the Child-Trafficking-College-Marxist-Wad in chief? Nothing for him huh?

  2. The fact you called Obama a "Marxist" shows you have no understanding over what that word means. If Obama is a Marxist, I am a black lesbian, which I am not. Obama is a corporatist, much like the GOP, which is why I don't really like him, but to call him a commie is laughable and proves you didn't pay much attention in school. Open a freaking book, you idiot Tea Party douchebag.
