Sunday, January 29, 2012


Slow week on the douchebag meter. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Iran- Not that the MSM reported any of this, but three foiled attacks by Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, were tried in three separate countries: Azerbaijan, Indonesia and, most recently Argentina. All were stopped as all eyes are on anything connected with this rouge state. The Iranians are currently voting on a bill that would stop all exports of oil to EU nations, well ahead of schedule and something that could wreck the world economy. Another ratchet in an increasingly unstable region. War is inevitable or Iran gets a nuke and the whole area destabilizes. Neither option is palatable. For those out there claiming Iran only seeks peaceful use of their nuclear program is living in a fantasy world. Iran is trying to get nukes as it would be in their best interests to do so. The world sees when places like Pakistan and North Korea are treated differently than Libya or Iraq. The difference is obvious. If Iran wants to be the big boy on the block it must either develop WMD or bow down to the Great Satan. Which do you honestly think they are going to choose? Iran is a definitive threat. The bad part is that we have waited way too long to do much about it.

2)MSM- The news organization as of late seems to be locked into this God awful election cycle, more circus than presidential. The nominees are tearing themselves apart and, with it, the Republican party. It is unlikely to survive in it's entirety later than the next election as it is being pulled in three different directions: The Tea Party, the Establishment and the Radical Right Evangelicals. You can't espouse state freedom while simultaneously calling for an end to abortion and gay marriage. Sorry, folks, that just doesn't work. You want freedoms but only the ones you find acceptable. That's called fascism and you are all supporting it. If you want gun laws to shoot up keep voting for the GOP because they WILL come for your firearms faster than the democrats at this rate. And through all of this the media remains silent about a lot that goes on overseas, the failing Euro, the possibility of a huge war with Iran, the lie that things are getting better, and so on. The news is nothing more than propaganda. Turn it off and search for the truth on your own. It's out there if you look.

3)The American People- I watch a show called Shark Tank and am amazed at either how great the invention really, or how bad an idea it is. But once in a while comes a good idea hampered by the idiot trying to sell it. Last night there were two. I've done sales for a good part of my life and was quite good at it until my illness forced me to quit so I know a little about what I'm talking about. One guy claimed to be a great salesman and was trying to sell a how to sell an ap and book. Not a bad idea. But his ability to sell was brought into question as to why he wouldn't done more direct marketing to large companies and made the cardinal error in sales which is know when to stop selling. Oversell will kill you everytime and that exactly what this guy did. Mark Cuban made him an offer and he wanted to see if anyone else wanted in first. He snoozed and lost. Typical of many a person today. The other guy was a good Christan man who wanted to sell a truck add on that would allow extra weight to be carried on the back of a pick up. Again not a bad idea. But he wouldn't take any money unless the product was made in the USA. As the sharks correctly pointed out, in today's market, it's not possible. The guy lost out because of his ideals. He had bought into what politicians keep telling us that they'll bring jobs back if only they vote for x or y. The sad truth is that those jobs are NEVER coming back and with it the death of the middle class. Until we stand up and DEMAND more money for the jobs we have, this country is screwed. When the economy falters further this year (or maybe next if the powers that be don't want to it to happen until after the election), our diminishing wages will be not enough to buy food and rent. The last time this happened the Reign of Terror started. That's what the next revolution is going to look like. And we let it happen.

4)Newt Gingrich- The crybaby got spanked at both debates and ridiculed by Romney on the campaign train because of it. The first debate was too quiet, WWWAAAAAAAA! The second was stocked with Romney supporters, WWWAAAAAAAA! I want to build a moon base, WWWAAAAAA. (This is incidentally not a bad idea but the only reason he said this was to pander to the Florida crowd and it plays right into the hands of comedians and his competitors alike). Whoever is supporting this man must go home, get the Drano and drink heavily because you are way too stupid too live. It's only a matter of time before you wind up in the Darwinian awards, you know that guy that "lied" about evolution, you cavemen. Your dragging the party down and making Obama a clear favorite to win in November. So way to go Gingrich and his supporters you are indeed Douchebags of the week.

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