Tuesday, January 24, 2012


In what dimension do Republican voters think Newt Gingrich is suitable to be President of the United States? The Tea Party and Evangelicals apparently, who now can only be described as the laughing stock of their own ideals. Evangelicals scream at the sanctity of marriage by denying gay people a fundemental right yet let a scumbag like Gingrich divorce two sick wives while committing a venal sin of adultary. I have no problem with religion persay but the way people practice it as of late has me rethinking that completely. And the Tea Party, in its orginal format, was a hedge against big business and bank bailouts. It is now the Neo-Fascist party with all that's missing are swasticas hanging from the rafters. I HATE the Teatards that are singlehandedly destroying this country. God help anyone who comes up to me telling me they belong to this definitive hate group who I would treat no better than the Klan should they show up at my door.

Gingrich is surging in the polls, demonstrating how far right the GOP has gone. I do feel that should Gingrich win, he will lose badly in a national electiom as I feel strongly that independents, such as myelf, would rather vote for a Herman Cain/Rick Santorium double bill than Gingrich for mayor of Podunk City. The man is dangerous and one of the worst candidiates ever.

A huge bitch slap goes out to watse of space John King, who will certainly appear on my Douchebag of the Week column, for his unmittagated disaster, AGAIN, as moderator of the CNN GOP debate last Saturday. He actually cowed down to Newt as he asked a legitimate question about the allegations from his ex-wife that he's a sleezebag. What a tool.

Gingrich did very badly in last night's debate as the crowd was told to shut the fuck up for once and, without the Colliseum crowd to egg him on, Gingrich came across like a bad borsht belt comic. Of course, he cried foul and said he wouldn't be in anymore debates if that rule continued. WHHHHHAAAAAAAA. Nevermind that such rules are enforced in the Presidential debates where he will get creamed by Obama, regardless what the illeterate GOP crowds might think. Take your toys and go home all ready you fat,lazy bastard. I'm so hoping for a heart attack to come your way.

Meanwhile Iran is steamed that the EU actually had the balls to pass the oil embargo to help stop their nuclear program. With China no longer on the fence, Russia is it's sole ally, and other than their nukes, their military is still rather weak since the collapse of its empire (and one we may be seeing ourselves soon). True the emargo doesn't happen unitl June but it's a still a small step forward. Iran has threatened retaliation but after the USS Lincoln made it through the Straits of Hormuz unharmed, the threat seem extra empty.

Also, recent stas show inflation on the rise, unemployment is still around 23% (acording to Shadowstats) and none of the candidates, Democrat or Republican has any idea how to fix things. The median income is now offically at 26,500 dollars a year, a full fourteen thousand dollars below what you would have made in 1975. How do we let this continue? Oh that's right, we have Gingrich versus Romney telling us being poor is all our fault, nevermind the fact that corporations are stealing from us every day.

Wake up people and see the fascism for what it is. Rand Paul was stopped illegally the other day while on his way to Congress, something the Constitution specifically prohibits. If the TSA treats Congresspeople this way, how do think they treat everyone else?

Fight the Power.

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