Tuesday, January 17, 2012


It was revealed today the it wasn't the Obama administration that killed a joint drill between the US and Israel but Israeli PM Netenyahu who pulled the plug sending relations between the two allies even lower. It is widely known that Israel has a real reason to not let Iran get a nuke and will attack them to stop them which may in actuality be the best case scenario.

The alternative is to let Iran get a nuke and watch the whole area degenerate into a hot zone. Saudi Arabia is already making clandestine transactions with Russia for nuclear materials and I'd be willing to bet Turkey is doing the same. If everyone in that are gets nukes its only a matter of time before some yahoo uses one. Iran could smuggle nukes into the US or Israel and effectively blackmail us about oil prices on the nearby straits. Do you really think that won't happen? Or more importantly CAN'T HAPPEN? I didn't think so.

If Iran gets nukes the stability of the planet is in jeopardy. Can anyone out there say with a straight face that the world is a safer place now that North Korea has nukes? If we didn't tell Japan in no uncertain terms that we would defend them (not to mention the 30,000 troops in South Korea) a nuke arms race would have started. The Saudis aren't going to let us fight their battles for them. Nether are the Turks.

Israel will go it alone of they have and it looks like that's exactly what they plan to do. If they think we are dragging our feet, and we are, they'll tell us to piss off. The worst part is we'll get dragged into this regardless of whether we join in or not. Better to help than wind up in some Pearl Harbor-like scenario again.

If Iran tests a nuke this year, Obama loses the presidency. And the next President, most likely Romney, will not stand by and do nothing. War either way people. Get used to it.

In truly bad news for the GOP a recent poll said that eighty percent of America says rich people should pay more in taxes. Yet the GOP continues to say and do the opposite. Good luck using that in your campaigns.

1 comment:

  1. wheres the part about the confidence in the economy dropping? XD
