Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Iran looks to be two seconds away from attack as they have hit multiple targets in the past few days. True the attacks were typical of recent ones in that they were abject failures, even comically so. In the attack today in Bangkok, Thailand, three explosions injured several Thai people and the Iranian bomber who, while attempting to flee police, blew off both his legs when the grenade he had just thrown at them ricocheted off a tree and bounced right back a him. Now that's funny. Why are Muslims so inept when it comes to these kind of things? See the movie Four Lions for a comedy about inept Muslim terrorists that is more accurate than even the filmmakers wanted as some of what occurred in the film actually happened in real life, albeit after the film was completed, which makes it even more hysterical.

But the world is not laughing and Israel has threatened retaliation for the attacks. That is a serious allegation as the government is well knows for extracting harsh measures against anyone threatening national interests. Juts ask the relatives of the terrorists of the 1972 Munich Olympics or the Lebanese after the 2006 attack on border soldiers. These are exactly the kind of things that lead to war and, as the world is on a razor's edge, any small breeze could push us all into a major one.

The US is on high alert and rumors have started spreading that an attack is imminent, possibly preceded by a false flag attack to win support. And regardless of what the conspiracy theorists say out there in cyberspace, these attacks are not it. By its very definition, a false flag has to whip up support on a grand scale to go to war and these aren't them. Not to mention the fact that their utter incompetence spells individual not government support. Iran is doing this by proxy not with traditional help, thus their hands stay clean and the dumbasses that do stuff like this cannot be directly traced back to them. Unfortunately you also get bottom of the gene pool people to carry out your plan with, as seen, less than desirable outcomes.

Ed Asner (yes the actor) has said that SEAL teams and special forces have warned him that a false flag attack is imminent so war with Iran will happen by Fall at the latest. How or why Ed Asner got the information is beyond me but it is not entirely impossible even if the source I see as dubious at best. I do not know Asner politics but for all I know this is a conspiracy theory to discredit Obama or the Israelis down the road. I have heard about an October Surprise every election since Reagan, who actually did such a thing and started all this conspiracy nonsense.

As if all that wasn't bad enough, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is warning the US that any cut in aid to the beleaguered country might result in their peace treaty with Israel being nullified. If the world keeps backing Israel into a corner, things are going to get dangerous fast. With Greece on fire, a Greatest Depression looming and war drums sounding louder and louder, things look bleak. Let us all hope saner heads prevail, but as religious extremism has taken over the world with the Muslim loonies up against the equally insane Christian right, a clash of civilizations is inevitable, something I wrote about nearly twenty years ago in college. An attack is coming. What happens after is what we all should fear.

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