Friday, February 3, 2012


Not a good day for good news. Plus my upcoming Douchebag column is rapidly filling up with rampant stupidity, especially from the gutless Komen charity. Did nobody learn anything from Lowe's debacle bowing down to religious extremists? When did we become the Taliban?

But the big news of the day is even our own government is starting to prepare people for the inevitability of war. There are only two possible outcomes in the next few months: either Iran gives up its nuclear program with unfettered access to all of its sites or Iran gets the bejesus bombed out of it. Which do you think is more likely>

Israel will not let Iran develop nuclear weapons, period. They do have a survival issue especially when the country is calling on its destruction on a regular basis. They will attack is they think it is the only way to stop them from acquiring a WMD.

Here is how the scenario will play out if Israel goes it alone. They attack massively hitting sites across the country. The death toll will be in the hundreds of thousands, as reported by Iranian media (whether those numbers will be real or not will be subject to much debate.) Iran will respond by launching proxy attacks from Lebanon and Gaza, carpet bombing places like Tel Aviv with better than expected weaponry. American interests will be targeted, especially in the Persian Gulf where supersonic missiles destroy at least one aircraft carrier and mines placed up and down the Straits of Hormuz. NATO launches attacks against Iran in retaliation and then things go from bad to worse depending on what Russia and China do. Plus, the only way to open the Straits of Hormuz will be by using tactical nuclear weapons along the coast line, which either the US or Israel will do at the first opportunity. This war will be fast and brutal and depending how thing go, could lead to WW3 and the death of billions of people.

The scary part is the alternative to let Iran get nuclear weapons is actually worse with a guarantee of a death toll nearing at least one billion in the first few days of a war in this scenario. Awesome (insert sarcasm here).

Add to this the fact that an recent interview with Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman said that the world was in a Great Depression last year (which faithful readers will know I said weeks ago as well) and that the austerity measures taken by Europe were doomed to fail (also echoed here). The unemployment numbers say the rate decreased again to 8.3% but fails to take into account so many factors as to be made worthless. The CBO office, the government's own statistical analysis office, say the current unemployment numbers are way below reality and, even by their own standards, should be over ten percent. Obama is fudging the numbers to make his presidency seem more sound, which it isn't. But with a Romney/Obama showdown looming, no one should care as neither of these two are going to change anything for the Middle Class.

People at this point should be stockpiling food, weapons and supplies because at some point over the next few months things are going to turn on a dime. Will Iran try to do something at the Super Bowl or will a false flag operation blame it for whatever may happen? It's not impossible. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.

At the very least, you'll have supplies should nothing happen. But if it does, you'll be prepared. War is coming. And this one will make all others look tame in comparison. My sources within military channels say they are being told that troop movements may be happening to faraway places to prepare for such an event. When the military prepares so should you.

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