Thursday, February 16, 2012


As people watch Greece going down in flames, many an economist notes that it was only a matter of time. Even after the Greek government slit their own throat to give the EU what it wanted, it still appears to be too little too late and yesterday's meeting to ratify the new loan was postponed indefinitely. Many, such as Germany and the Netherlands, don't want to throw any more money in a sinking ship and they may actually be right. No amount of money can save Greece or Italy or any of the other beleaguered countries from default with current conditions.

It was revealed yesterday that ALL of Europe has begun to contract and a recession may be looming for the entire EU. Greece is already in a depression and most of the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) are already in a recession. Now the rest of Europe seems doomed to follow. The Greek people have expressed their displeasure for living for slave wages to help out the assholes that caused this in the first place by burring their country to the ground.

Let's do a little Economics 101, something no country on Earth wants to do. If person X has a five million dollar a year salary, while ten people Y make 26,000 dollars a year, taking half of that money from person X is not going to destroy the planet. See, regardless of the mindless drivel about person X being a "job creator," it is in actuality, complete bull. Realistically, people y are job creators. Why you ask? Because person X can only buy so many copies of the latest Justin Beiber album, or eat at McDonalds or go see the Vow. If people Y have disposable income, they spend it on crap like that and thus jobs are created because jobs are made by demand not be rich people having money to invest in capital. Rich people, like Mitt Romney, use that capital to make more money by buying up failing businesses, burning them to the ground and collecting the insurance money, so to speak. The only way to save an economy is to take from the rich, give to the poor and create a workable middle class.

And for the morons out there posting videos that if we took all of the money from every rich person that says it wouldn't solve the problem, they are right in that it wouldn't. But no one is asking for anyone (except maybe the super rich) to have a one hundred percent tax rate. And they seem to forget that by giving people disposable income again, more taxes are raised. I love people who talk about economics without any understating of the problem. Unfortunately for us, our own government seems to fall into that category.

Now comes word that the ill advised payroll tax is going to be extended. This is a terrible idea and one that never should have been implemented. It was revealed yesterday that due to this stupid gimmick, SS will run out of funds faster than thought. Who would have guessed that by removing necessary funds from the SS treasury that it would deplete faster too? Oh that's right, everyone. Except again for our own government.

This country, and the world, needs a raise, banks need to be regulated within an inch of their lives, and greed needs to be excised from our very being if we which to survive the next century. Greed is not good. It is a vice, a sin. And it is killing us all. A massive Depression looms as everything we take for granted may soon end. The war drums still beat against Syria and Iran. The EU still looks doomed. And the choices we have for the upcoming Presidential campaign make me want to vomit. Is Rick Santorum really the guy you want leading the free world? His views on contraception are not going to help him in a general election and will pave the way for four more years of Obama. Swell. If only Ron Paul would stop talking about ending SS and Food Stamps and things people need to survive, he might have been a great candidate. But that combined with his isolationist USA views have killed his chances in the GOP. There is still talk about how Paul could have won Maine as half the state never voted due to a snow storm that never occurred (still trying to figure that one out) and the usual talk of vote fraud emerges. We are entering a dark period people. Hope and pray they someone like Rick Santorum isn't the guy to lead us out of it.

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