Sunday, February 19, 2012


Surprisingly few douchebags this week. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Fausat Ogunbayo- I know a lot of you asking just who in the hell this person is. She is a 46 year old Staten Island mother who is suing the state of New York for 900trillion dollars after the state removed her children for, wait for it, mental instability. I doubt this case will help her cause and as she representing herself, good luck. In the past she sought medical help for claims her kid's skin was getting darker and that the FBI was after them. They were removed in 2008. While her kids did well academically, her mental state worried the state to the point they had them taken. Methinks this case goes nowhere.

2)Greg Kelly's Rape Accuser- One of the things I hate more than anything else on the planet is women who cry rape at the top of their lungs who almost certainly weren't. Feminists say it's the only way to counter the alpha male society we live in. I say bull biscuits. Women are legitimately raped every day and these false accusations hurt the chances of those actually victimized. I know quite a few who have been raped and the trauma they went through. This idiot got drunk, slept with Kelly, got pregnant, had an abortion and told her boyfriend who had a fit. So she cried rape rather than admit she had been kind of a slut and thus this whole fiasco towards a guy I don't even like, but no one deserves to be falsely accused. I know as I've gone through a similar thing (not rape mind you) but one guy accused me of robberies and I spent the next few years trying to convince a less than helpful police force I was innocent. The whole thing got thrown out eventually, the Prosecutor's career damaged and the police officer who put me through the ringer got fired, although years later rehired at a much lower position. Hah. I hate liars.

3)Rick Santorum- Rapidly becoming the Geert Wilders (look him up) of the Republican Party, this neo-Nazi is very, very dangerous. His calls to end things like birth control, abortion and women's rights in general should be a wake up call for any female voting for this waste of space. If he wins the nomination, expect a bitter and divided convention as the GOP knows this guy has a very slim chance of winning in a general election and could spell doom for the whole party. Aren't you guys glad now you adopted the Christian right and the Teatards? No? You shouldn't be because these two groups are sinking any chance you have to win back the presidency any time soon. 2016 here we come, should be your new slogan at this rate.

4)People mad that NJ flags were at half mast for Whitney Houston- Really? This is what makes you angry? Not the state of the world, global warming, the GOP, the Jersey Shore, none of that? This is what pisses you off? Get a life.

5)Whitney Houston-Prescription drugs kill more people than all other illegal drugs combined. Yet, the DEA goes after marijuana users, which kills no one, with a intensity that can only be described as insane. Whitney, once upon a time, had a great voice and a great career. But then she got addicted to crack, destroyed her voice and followed that up with binge drinking and pills, which eventually killed her. Sad.

6)Iran-These assholes seem determined to get nuked back to the stone age. In the past few days they helped deliver arms to Syria, backed by Russia of course, cut oil to the UK and France and have dictated their desire to have new nuke talks in Turkey, in what is certainly a stall tactic. This was how the Germans and the Japanese got the one up on Allied forces during WW2. Some MSM outlets are finally reporting what every physicist on earth knows in that, if Iran has enriched uranium to twenty percent, it is only a hop, skip and a jump to 90%. If Iran gets a nuke, the world may indeed unravel and Obama's presidency will be history. I can think of nothing worse if we hear these words in January: I, Rick Santorum, promise to uphold the Constitution of the United States. An Iranian nuke would be beyond bad. Pray it doesn't come to that. So congratulation Iran you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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