Monday, October 30, 2017


The first indictments were handed down today and they are way worse than the Republicans want you to believe. Trump and Fox "News" have gone full blast on blaming Hillary for all of this and seeking her impeachment, somehow not knowing she isn't president. They might as well blame also Ronald McDonald, Matt Damon and the King of Swaziland for crimes against the country as well. None of them, Hillary included, have anything to do with this. Only the cult followers of Trump see different.
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Regardless of what you have heard, Trump and his cohorts are in real trouble. They have doubled down on the idea that Manafort was only with them for a short time, albeit as campaign manager, which hardly rings true. However, the other two indictments with Gates and Papadopoulos are far worse. Gates worked with the Trump team way after Manafort left, all the way to the inauguration, and Papadopoulos,was a foreign policy adviser for the president. Trump tweets that "no collusion has been found" is wildly misleading, especially as Papadopoulos was found to be talking with Russian contacts AFTER he joined the campaign. We know this to be true because he pleaded guilty to the charges. This opens a severe headache for the Trump team. Here is a time line of what happened.

1)US intelligence, regardless of the crap Trump spews, says that Russians hacked our election. Trump, and even the GOP to an extent, seem uninterested in looking into this, unless Hillary is involved. These emails were then used to sink her candidacy.

2)Papadopoulos knew about the emails. We know he met with a professor with Russian contacts weeks after he accepted the job with Trump's election team in March of 2016 and then lied about it to the FBI. Lying to the FBI seems to be the go to action for team Trump. Bad idea as it will get you a jail sentence. Soon after this meeting, Roger Stone began telling people he knew about the stolen emails and they would be released soon. How did he know unless collusion took place?
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3)Paul Manafort had ties to the pro-Russian Ukrainian government (something Trump world conveniently leaves out time and time again) and appears to have laundered at least $18 million in the process. Gates is also being indicted for this.

4)Trump family meets with Russian lawyer. It has also come out that the Russian lawyer, contrary again to what Trumpworld had claimed, met with Putin friends and cronies before going to meet with Don Don and others. She is knee deep with Putin ties, regardless of how the media tries to spin it. The fact that Don Don wanted the emails released later that summer, and they were, speaks volumes about collusion.

5)In July of 2016, Trump publicly calls for Russia to release the Clinton emails, which they do. This is after Papadopoulos' meeting with a Russian asset and the Don Don meeting. Nothing suspicious there right?

6)The Russians then went about releasing the emails, as well as targeting social media in a way that screamed about outside help, most likely from the Trump team, with Don Don front and center with this. Unless the Russians hacked more data than they are telling us, there is no way a foreign government would understand American life anymore than we would have anything but a rudimentary understanding of life in Russia. Someone helped them. Trump and his team seem likely suspects here.

7)After the election, Trump went out of his way to say nothing happened and even fired the FBI director for it. Jeff Session recused himself, much to the ire of Trump. He then went on NBC and said he fired Comey because of Russia, an impeachable offense that should have set off a lot more alarm bells from the spineless democrats and the bought and paid for Republicans.
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That is a lot to unpack and regardless of Fox "News," Alex Jones and others are spewing, Trump is knee deep in what appears to be treason. Word is the GOP is only going along with this to get tax cuts, which saw their first major issue as the National Association of Home Builders came out against a tax plan that would eliminate mortgage deductions for all but the super wealthy. This in turn could lead a dramatic drop in home sales as renting would be cheaper for many then. The group is planing a fifty state commercial roll out decrying the plan. As they are one of the biggest lobbying group whose decisions affect everyone across the country, this is going to be a bitter fight and they just got started. Considering they are also still planning on taxing 401k's, this bill is on life support and it hasn't even come out yet. If they thought Obamacare was hard, this is going to be epic. Remove any one deduction and someone gets mad. Thus the reason the last tax overhaul was in 1986 and it went badly, wrecking the economy which ALWAYS happens when they get into power. Every major economic crash has come during GOP rule. Not a coincidence. But as most people have the brain power of a 30 watt bulb, no one seems to care.

Trump is going down. It is only a matter of time. He can't pardon his way out of this as the charges can also be on a state level and even doing so IS an impeachable offense. With any luck, Trump will be forced to resign sometime next year, assuming he doesn't end the world first.

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