Does no one on this country have the ability to remember what happened as little as a few years back? It seems as if mankind has the memory ability of Dory, Mr. Short Term Memory and a mentally challenged rhesus monkey. Back in 2008, Democrats way overreached and paid for it. But insanely not going after the bankers that ruined this country, they showered them with money creating both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street, both of which went wildly off the rails. There was real anger that our moron president and democratic leadership found it not worth their time to go after the idiots who crashed the economy. As a result, a lot of them lost their jobs and the democratic party was hollowed out because of an inattentive president and a pissed off public. That is exactly what is happening right now times ten.
The Republicans are in the midst of ramming their very unpopular tax bill through, breaking every norm and rule they can in the mad rush to finish before Jones gets seated. In comparison, the democrats pledged to wait for their vote on health care back in 2009, when Scott Brown won. Mitch McConnell has shown no such desire and is instead doing the exact opposite. Obamacare was polling much higher than the tax plan, something that is destined to grow even less popular with time when health care premiums rise and they get the blame. This is an albatross. They pass this, added with Trump's crimes and a populace increasingly pissed at him, 2018 will be a bloodbath. They will lose seats in places they never thought possible like Texas. The blue wave will make it look as if this country fucked a smurf.

The breakdown on who voted for who in Alabama says the Republicans may be beyond fucked going down the road. Black people showed up in droves to vote, even higher than they did for OBAMA in 2012. Jones got 96% of the black vote and made up 29% of the vote total, an incredible number. I had a good feeling early that day when exit polls showed a record number of first time voters that meant that Jones had a chance. Other factors included white women with kids under 18 broke for Jones 2 to 1, and younger voters also made up a whopping 80% of those going for Jones. These numbers spell disaster down the road. When almost all your voters were white people over 60, that is not a long term strategy. As your voters die off, so do your election chances.
What this means is that the Republican party is facing a reckoning, one they might not survive. Even among Republicans, support is way down. Exit polls show that Trump was underwater in his approval rating 49% to 48% for. IN ALABAMA. Now a smart group would see those numbers and think, maybe we should change course. The Democrats didn't in 2008 and neither are the Republicans today. This makes them extraordinarily vulnerable.

Mueller is coming. If Trump fires him, it will be chaos and even the most hard core Republican is going to have to face a tough choice. If they stick with the President, a revolution is almost certain to happen. If they betray him, they still might go down with the ship. Chances are high that there are going to be serious charges leveled against the President perhaps as early as next year. If a peace can be reached with North Korea, a long shot but possible, and Trump removed, 2018 could be the start of something fantastic. Or we could all die in a fiery hell. But hey, some hope right?
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